Over the past few months, stay-at-home orders have completely changed the dynamic of our lives. Investors are wondering what to invest in during the coronavirus. The stock market is extremely volatile right now. Many are using this changing time to focus on relationships, connections and overall wellness. Whatever your individual situation may be, this is a great time to invest wisely.

What Should You Invest In During The Coronavirus?

We’ve broken this article down into two sections:

  1. Invest in Relationships and Connections

  2. Invest In Time-Tested Stocks

what to invest in during the coronavirus

Welcome back! This is the Survive and Thrive series. I’m Nathan Hurd, Chief Growth Officer of the Oxford Club. Together we’re here to answer one question. How do we look back on this whole experience and view it as one of the most valuable of our lifetimes?

When this is all over I hope that you are fully invested. I don’t just mean financially invested in the stock market or otherwise. I mean invested in every area of your life that brings you fulfillment and happiness. Isn’t that what this whole thing is about? This experience has brought us back into our common humanity. It’s made us realize how fragile we are and how much we need one another. People are doing anything they can to connect, and we’re very lucky to have this technology.

Twenty years ago this would have been a completely different experience. But today at least we can see each other even when we can’t be together. Relationships really are the greatest teachers. Think about this…looking back on your life at the end, what do you imagine you will value the most? I bet it’s the people. I bet it’s the connections and the relationships you’ve forged over your lifetime. Many of you have written me about today’s topic, and I believe it’s the greatest investment you can make of your life.

You know we learn more about ourselves through other people, through relationships.

Relationships: Your Smartest Investment – Watch The Video Now!

What To Invest In During The Coronavirus: The Depth Of Relationships

People need connection now more than ever. They are willing and interested in talking and sharing more about how they are. How they’re feeling… sincerely.

1. Be Willing To Go A Layer Deeper

2. Document Messages To Pass Down

3. Say The Things You Need To Say

What To Invest In During The Coronavirus: The Breadth Of Relationships

So, If there was a hierarchy…

As you’re thinking about what to invest in during the coronavirus, consider this…relationships are the greatest investment you can make in your life, especially now. For more information, watch the full video here.

Stocks To Buy During The Coronavirus: Time-Tested Stocks

Now that we’ve looked at investing in relationships and connections, let’s shift gears to a familiar topic…finance. If you’ve read our content, you know we’re constantly recommending time-tested stocks. Stocks that have been through some of the worst recessions over multiple decades and still came out on top. These are some of the safer investments to make during the coronavirus or really any black swan type of event.

1. Blue Chip Stocks – The best blue chip stocks have a long tradition of stability and steady growth performance.

2. High Dividend Stocks – In bear markets and turbulent times, dividend stocks can represent a safer play than growth stocks.

3. Consumer Staples Stocks – A great addition to any portfolio because they can lower risk and provide great returns.

4. Gold Stocks – If you’re looking for a “safe haven” investment, gold has always proved to be that type of investment during volatile times.

More On What To Invest In During The Coronavirus

As Charlie Munger once said, “There is no system to avoid bad markets.” Here are some resources to help you invest during the coronavirus.

Investing In A Down Market: What You Should Know

How to Make Your Fortune in Crisis Investing

Bond Investing: A Solution for a Chaotic Market

Investing During a Pandemic May Pay Off

These resources should prove to be a valuable asset to you during this troubling time. We certainly want to strengthen you on your road to financial freedom and hope these articles will help you determine what to invest in during the coronavirus outbreak. Also, we want to encourage you to make the most of this experience and give something back to the people in your lives. We hope that you can deepen and invest in this aspect of your life.

Remember, during this time we have an opportunity to make investments in each other that will pay incredible dividends. Sign-up for our e-letter below to gain free access to all of our InvestmentU content.

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