Investing in plain old car stocks too boring for you? We have just the thing for you. Why not invest in self-driving car stocks and take advantage of one of the premier innovations in recent technology?

But before you dive head first into something completely out of your control (quite literally), let’s take a look at what exactly a self-driving car is. And why the technology may prove to be a lucrative investment for you.

What Is a Self-Driving Car?

A self-driving car (or autonomous vehicle, or driverless car) is a vehicle that can safely drive from place to place with full automation. Literally no human interaction or intervention is needed to get the car safely from point A to point B. The person in the driver’s seat could actually read a book, watch a film, or take a nap. It wouldn’t matter.

Sounds too good to be true or like a science fiction movie? Amazingly, breakthroughs in related technology such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things make autonomous vehicles a reality. Or at least, they will be much more of a reality in very short order. 

Let’s break down further what, exactly, goes into driverless car technology.

Components of Self-Driving Technology

The task of autonomous driving is accomplished with a combination of hardware and software. It also requires sensors in order for the car to understand its environment. Here’s how these three components work together:

  1. Hardware – Computers make the world go round. They also make the wheels on driverless cars go round. And for that, you need a great deal of computing power. One of the most important parts of the hardware system is the graphics processing unit (GPU).

    GPUs are important for a wide variety of innovative technological breakthroughs. This includes things like the internet-of-things and virtual reality. Companies like Nvidia are major players in the graphics processing unit space.

    Other special hardware in addition to the GPUs are often needed as well.
  2. Software – Hardware is important, but it doesn’t do much without some software. Hence, driverless cars need programs to run. Most often this includes some form of artificial intelligence (AI) software such as machine learning, neural networks or deep learning.
  3. Sensors – Finally, self-driving cars need sensors in order to fully understand their environment. These sensors include cameras and radar units. They also often include a device called lidar. Lidar is an innovation that enables very precise imaging of a car’s surroundings using invisible lasers.

As you can see, there are different ways to play self-driving car stocks. You can focus on any of these three components or some combination of the technologies. Investing in these different technologies can also help you gain exposure in areas such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and graphics processing.

If you’re interested in investing in autonomous driving technology, we recommend that you keep your eye on these four stocks:

Self-Driving Car Stocks to Watch

Final Thoughts on Self-Driving Car Stocks

Sometimes it’s hard to believe the technology that exists in the present age. Almost like a dream. And while self-driving car technology may seem like just a dream, it’s become very real, very fast.

The perfect time to invest in the technology is now before these companies really take off. So do your homework and decide which of these self-driving car stocks may be right for your portfolio.

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