Robotics penny stocks can be a lucrative investment in the present and future. Robotics have been changing the way we live for a while.

And there are robots for almost every area of life. Because the more that are created, the thirstier we get for them.

This industry is a unique one. Yes, it is speculative in some ways. But also, very stable in others. It all depends on what the product is and what it’s being used for.

Keep this in mind, however. The more speculative a company is, the more risk you take on as an investor.

And that brings me to my next point. Be careful of penny stocks. Penny stocks are very volatile. And volatility means higher risk. If you know what you’re doing, you don’t have to worry.

Robotics penny stocks are wonderful little investments that can make you rich. But only if you understand how they work. So let’s take a closer look at my watchlist below.

Robotics penny stocks to buy.

Best Robotics Penny Stocks

Robotics Penny Stocks to Buy

No. 5 ReWalk Robotics Ltd.

ReWalk is a great robotics penny stock. It allows you to buy into a humanitarian project that is speculative and incredibly useful.

ReWalk focuses on using robotics to give mobility back to those who have spinal injuries. If a person cannot stand up straight or walk, this company gives them that gift.

Someone in such a position would likely pay anything to have back their mobility. But, the exoskeleton is not as high as I thought it would be. It’s priced at $85K per unit. Not pocket change, but I would have predicted at least a cost of $100K or more. Especially for such a life-changing product.

Plus, I’m sure there’s reduced cost for those with insurance and V.A. benefits.

This robotics penny stock was featured on CBS Sunday Morning. They have two products. One is for spinal cord injury patients. And the other is for stroke victims to rehab and start walking again.

It’s obvious the leadership is capable and excited about what they are doing. Plus, they’re expanding and pushing for more innovative products. Right now, they’re working on a soft exo-suit that helps stroke victims rehabilitate at home. And the FDA just designated this as a breakthrough device.

Also, in recent news, Medicare and Medicaid released a code for the ReWalk Exoskeleton. So, that makes it much more affordable to those who need it and can’t afford it.

No. 4 Kraken Robotics

Kraken Robotics is a robotics penny stock that provides underwater ocean solutions. Besides an awesome name and logo, they are in a very alluring industry.

It provides many various products. Such as deep-sea underwater vehicles, pressure resilient batteries and 3D imaging. Also, sonar and sonar vehicles. And many of these are unmanned or autonomous.

Offering RaaS (Robotics as a Service) is also in their arsenal. Plus, signal processing and engineering support.

Additionally, the leadership at Kraken looks great. The CEO has started and built a business before. And he ended up selling it for over $50 million.

Recently, they’ve secured a contract for over $7 million for some subsea inspections. They’ve also secured a contract with the Government of Canada. Plus, they landed business with a new Fortune 500 customer. And they’ve acquired PanGeo, which is a sub-seabed imaging business.

This robotics penny stock is one that is worth looking into.

No. 3 Accuray Inc.

Accuray is a robotics penny stock focused on radiation therapy. It offers solutions for oncology, neuro-radiosurgery and others. And Accuracy strives to make the treatment process more effective and efficient.

Tackling cancer in many areas of the body, they have an array of products. These include solutions for the head and neck, prostate, breasts and even the lungs. Accuray also offers software for cancer treatments.

As a company that offers many high-ticket solutions, they are poised for success. Even some services are offered. Including training, and site planning and installation.

Recently, they received approval to treat a condition that affects facial nerves. They’ve also attended a conference. And they seem to have been working hard on a solution that helps those with breast cancer.

No. 2 Asensus Surgical Inc.

This robotics penny stock helps surgeons have better control while operating. This ends up helping both doctor and patient.

It minimizes the risk of human error, and allows the patient to be more relaxed. Plus, it could save lives. Because any small mistake could mean the difference between life and death.

Asensus’ technology, Senhance, allows surgeons to have more control. This translates to better decision making at all stages of the surgical process. This includes before surgery, during and afterwards.

Featured awards include Technology Fast 500 for 2020. Also, 2021’s MedTech Breakthrough Award. Even Time’s Health Care 50 and an award with the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy.

Robotics Penny Stocks No. 1 Viomi Technology Ltd.

Viomi is a Chinese robotics penny stock. It has a partnership with Xiaomi Corporation, and focus on IoT (Internet of Things).

Targeting the upper-class, its niche lies in luxury and household products. Examples include water purifiers, heaters and refrigerators.

Viomi has many different products that use AI and connect to the internet to work together.

“The Final Word” and Other Opportunities for Robotics Penny Stocks

Robotics penny stocks are a great investment if you can find solid companies. Robots are changing the way we live and interact. Even how we recover from illnesses and injuries. They are speculative, but here to stay.

As always, due your due diligence. Pay attention to what the companies have planned. Are they taking steps to tackle these problems now?