Your journey to financial liberty starts here.

In 1999, we launched Investment U to answer one question, “How do I obtain true financial freedom?”

Here we are, more than 20 years later, still dedicated to providing new and experienced investors with insights into this critical financial question.

Investment U is your one-stop shop for taking your financial future into your own hands and – unapologetically – building the investment accounts that will let you live life on your terms.

You’ll learn proven, easy-to-master systems for wealth building, whether markets are up or down… whether you’re a trading novice, a dabbler or a seasoned pro.

You may not think you’re qualified to invest your money in anything other than a house or a low-interest savings account, but we completely disagree. You may think investing involves a broker, high fees, is time-consuming… or is just plain confusing. We also respectfully disagree – and will prove it to you with our guidance.

We guide you with the understanding that no one cares about your money more than you do.

Wall Street can be a rigged game. And the financial media – with its never-ending stream of doom and gloom – is after only ratings.

Our experts are high-level specialists in many different investment sectors. They are successful investors, who in several cases started with nothing. They either never joined Wall Street and the mainstream media or quit in disgust. All of us share one thing in common: We are passionate about helping our readers experience the complete richness of life – while leaving money worries behind.

Through Investment U, you have at your fingertips information about everything from dividend stocks, momentum stocks, bonds and options… to start-up investing, exchange-traded funds, tech trends and pot stocks.

With Investment U in your corner, there are no limits – no limits on what you can learn, no limits on what you can earn and no limits on the financial goals you can achieve.

Only the sky’s the limit… so what on Earth are you waiting for?