The Second Best Way to Get Rich

Is starting a small business really the best way to get rich in America? Turns out there’s an even better (and less risky) method…

Meet the World’s Worst Economist

Paul Krugman has written more than a dozen books over the last 20 years and, with the luxury of hindsight, all the erroneous predictions, needless warnings and boneheaded policy proscriptions are there for anyone with too much time on his hands to see. Of course, making economic prognostications is a treacherous business.

Can This Newspaper Make You Rich?

Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. And if you subscribe to this unusual journal – as much a computer printout as a business paper – you likely have much to celebrate too.

What If Jeremy Grantham is Right?

Jeremy Grantham, president of investment management firm GMO LLC, has been getting a lot of press lately. At the market’s top, he warned of an impending bear market. At the bottom in March, he forecast a historic rally. Today, he says the market is 25% overvalued. Should you be worried? Perhaps not. Let’s start with […]