In this week’s edition of State of the Market, income investing expert Marc Lichtenfeld reveals the 8 best financial books for beginning investors. In the accompanying article below, Wealthy Retirement’s Mable Buchanan gives some background on the video and why these books are so important.

Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld has homework for you…

But trust me, you’ll thank him for it.

In this week’s episode of Marc’s popular State of the Market YouTube series, he shares the best financial books for beginner investors who want to master their finances.

Loan Loss Previsions

The market’s recent volatility has proved how valuable these financial books are…

Dismal forecasts from the Fed this Wednesday left many Americans uncertain about future job prospects.

And Thursday, we saw the worst single day for the markets since March.

Even airline stocks, many investors’ darlings for riding out the COVID-19 market response, dropped a shocking 11% or more.

One Reddit user in his 40s reported that he had just lost his life’s savings by betting 86% of his retirement on airlines.

And I’m sure he’s not the only one who’s lost their cool in this market.

The market’s recent swings are also very real, and very painful, for many investors.

Which is why it’s crucial to arm yourself with the right insight.

I remember when my parents were teaching me to drive. Before I could get my learner’s permit, I had to memorize every detail from the driver’s manual.

Long before I was authorized to get behind the wheel and practice, I was quizzed about right-of-way and was asked to draw maps of the roads in my hometown at the dinner table.

And it’s important to take the same approach with investing…

Before making my first trade, I brushed up on Marc’s investing philosophy and also dove into The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham.

Your first few trades – and even the many others that follow – can open doors and offer you a lot of freedom.

But it’s very important to know the rules of the road to prevent a crash.

So take a look at the dedicated Financial Literacy section of Wealthy Retirement’s website…

Dive into Marc’s two No. 1 bestselling financial books, Get Rich with Dividends and You Don’t Have to Drive an Uber in Retirement, which won the Institute for Financial Literacy’s Book of the Year Award in 2016 and 2019, respectively…

And catch up on the eight best financial books for beginning investors in Marc’s latest State of the Market video.

With the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, your road trip to a wealthy retirement will get considerably smoother.

Good investing,


Interested in the best financial books for beginning investors and hungry for more financial education? Make sure to sign up for Marc Lichtenfeld’s free eletter Wealthy Retirement and learn everything you need to know about investing in dividend stocks and more by subscribing below!

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