16 Must-Read Investment Books: The Foundation of Your Future Profits

By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, President, Investment U
Friday, April 11, 2003: Issue #229

Dollar for dollar, books can offer the best investing education you can get. The right investment books (along with The Investment U e-Letter, of course) can provide a solid foundation on which you can build wealth for years.

But before you head to the bookstore to load up on knowledge you should know that it’s also possible to go seriously wrong here. The wrong book will turn you off, bore you, or worse – it can cause you to end up losing a truckload of money. So today I thought I’d take a few minutes to help you sort through the thousands of investing books that are out there to find those that are just right for your situation.

You may recall that I’ve already listed what I feel are the very best investment books of all time. (See IUEL #206, “What to Read.”) So what we’ll do today is look at that list, add some new names, fill in the holes – and most importantly – talk about books on more “exotic” investments (like options) and the best ways to increase your investment knowledge in these areas. I’ve sorted my recommendations into 16 different categories so it should be easy to find a book that can help you no matter what your portfolio looks like right now.

Again, remember, you can REALLY go wrong by buying the wrong books. I would say that about 90% of the books in the “Investing” or “Personal Finance” section of the bookstore are bad books. As a general rule, they are often just “shortcut” books, written by writers. They are not books written by people who have actually built a successful career investing.

So please, before you buy another book, make sure you’ve made your way through this list. This is where the knowledge is and this is the foundation of your future profits

16 Books For Any Interested Investor

I’ll stop here. You’ve got some work to do.

Good investing,


Today’s Investment U Crib Sheet

One Response

  1. My favorite stock trading books are:

    • The small stock trader by Mika
    • “Lessons from the greatest stock traders of all time” and “How legendary traders made millions” both by John Boik
    • “Reminiscences of a stock operator” and “How to trade in stocks” both by Jesse Livermore
    • How I made $2,000,000 in the stock market by Nicolas Darvas
    • How to make money in stocks by Willien O’Neil

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