Finding the best stocks to buy during a downturn is a challenge for even the most seasoned investors. However, there are plenty of opportunities in a volatile market. Below is a list of the top five stocks that enhance your portfolio when its needed most.

Find the best stocks to buy during a downturn

Finding the Best Stocks to Buy During A Downturn

Our list covers every angle of a bear market. Moreover, it covers the current economic crisis. This includes biotech, telecommunication and consumer goods stocks.

The top five best stocks to buy during a downturn today are:

This list is as pandemic proof as it gets, especially during the coronavirus outbreak. Staying at home is saving lives across the globe and these companies are ready to weather the storm.

1. Abbott Laboratories

Abbott Laboratories is leading the way in coronavirus testing. As a result, its stock has been soaring. After announcing its five-minute test kit, the market quickly responded.

Abbott has been a leader in healthcare and the development of medical devices for years. Their quick response to the COVID-19 pandemic has further proven its power.

It’s difficult to find the best stocks to buy during a downturn. But, most companies pushing the needle are adjusting quickly and promoting innovation.

Abbott Laboratories is doing just that. With this new development, Abbott will be producing upwards of five million coronavirus tests per month.

2. The Clorox Company

The Clorox Company is literally cleaning up households and the market. While most companies’ stocks are plummeting, Clorox is in the perfect position.

Clorox wipes are one, if not the most important consumer good during this difficult time. They’re selling off shelves at a faster rate than toilet paper. And still, many Americans are finding ways to purchase the wipes online.

Clorox stock faced major volatility in March, but it’s consistently gaining in April. Their disinfectant products are back on shelves after the original rush for supplies. Therefore, you can add Clorox to your list as one of the best stocks to buy during a downturn.

3. Procter & Gamble

Procter & Gamble is benefitting from the toilet paper craze better than anyone else. As the producers of Charmin, its stock began standing out as the market was turning for the worst.

This trend isn’t slowing down as more safety measures are put in place across the United States. Shelter-in-place orders are coming down in the majority of states. This can only add to the value of Procter & Gamble stock.

It’s important to remember that P&G is also the company behind other brands such as Bounty, Crest, Dawn, Gain, Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Pampers, Tide and more. They aren’t going anywhere.

4. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is the king of the fast food industry. In fact, it’s also the queen and the entire royal council. The Big Mac is always going to be one of the best stocks to buy during a downturn.

As the king, you have to make quick decisions. Well, McDonald’s did just that. Once the crisis began, McDonald’s stores were quick to shut down dine-in seating and implement more hygiene measures. It moved its entire model to delivery services, drive-thru and take out.

This decision, along with acting quickly, gave them an edge over their competitors in the market. Moreover, McDonald’s has donated one million N-95 masks to Chicago and the State of Illinois.

5. Zoom Video Communications

Zoom Video Communications is benefitting more from this bear market than just about anyone. Its remote conferencing has become the preferred telecommunication service.

The majority of companies that have implemented work-from-home orders are currently utilizing the software. Considering this is the beginning of the pandemic, Zoom Video will look to capitalize even further.

At the end of February, Zoom stock was selling at $105 a share. At the beginning of April, it’s up over $120.

The stock was up over $150 a share before privacy issues became a problem in late March. Once the issue was fixed, the stock became a force once again. Keep a close eye on Zoom over the coming weeks.

Discover the Best Stocks to Buy During A Downturn

The market volatility isn’t going anywhere for some time. The current uncertainty around the world is the key factor.

However, you can get ahead of the crisis in the stock market. Sign up for our free e-letter below. Our team of Investment U experts provides the latest trends and daily tips on the market.

Now is the time to discover the best stocks to buy during a downturn. Your portfolio is counting on it.

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