A new year is upon us, and with that comes new investment decisions. Which stocks should you buy in 2021? It seems like a simple enough question, but before we look ahead to the next 12 months, let’s look at the last 12.

Last year saw growth stocks bring in huge gains that rewarded investors in many sectors. Consumer discretionary, information technology, materials and healthcare accounted for the top stock picks of 2020.

Here are the Top 5 S&P 500 Stocks of 2020 (Total Return %)
1. Tesla (TSLA) – 743% YTD
2. Etsy (ETSY) – 301% YTD
3. NVIDIA (NVDA) – 122% YTD
4. Paypal (PYPL) – 117% YTD
5. L Brands (LB) – 108% YTD
Find the best stocks to buy in 2021

Looking forward to the year ahead, there are many changes occurring. Most notably the uncertainty around the impact of the Biden presidency. And now with the most recent Senate results, many are anxious to see how these changes will impact their investments. Will growth stocks continue to soar? What about value or cyclical stocks?

That’s where we come in. Throughout the years, the team here at Investment U has remained consistent in our steadfast approach. It doesn’t matter who is in the White House, The Senate, or another government body. We are going to find profitable investments for our readers regardless.

When it comes to hot investing topics, no one does it better than the experts at Investment U. So with that…here are some quotes from our top minds on the best stocks to buy in 2021.

The Best Stocks to Buy in 2021

1. Microcap Stocks
“Microcaps are small companies with a total market capitalization – calculated by multiplying the stock price by the number of shares outstanding – of well under $1 billion. I’m not talking about worthless (and easily manipulated) penny stocks, zombie firms or companies struggling through bankruptcy. I’m talking about real companies – with real products and services and rising sales and earnings – that are early in a high-growth phase. These have the potential to generate some of the market’s biggest returns. It’s not hard to see why.” – Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist

2. Cannabis Stocks
“In 2021, I think we will see the inklings of major changes at the federal level – like the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act or Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act passing. And I think as many as five more states will legalize cannabis markets this year! I’m watching Connecticut, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Virginia.” – Matthew Carr, Trends Expert

3. COVID-19 Stocks
“As Baron Rothschild famously advised about investing in the stock market. ‘Buy when this is blood in the streets.’ The COVID-19 epidemic of 2020 certainly qualifies as such. You’ve already made four times your money buying cruise lines airlines casinos and hotels back in April, and i expect these stocks to double yet again from current levels.” – Nicholas Vardy, Quantitative Expert

4. Dividend Stocks
“Throughout history, finding great dividend companies that increase payouts every year has been one of the great ways to build wealth. And with many dividend stocks so cheap, I expect them to outperform significantly in 2021.” – Marc Lichtenfeld, Income Expert

The Best Stocks to Buy in 2021 continued…

5. Energy Storage Stocks
Energy storage was installed at record rates in 2020, and utilities are making large-scale investments in this sector. Paired with solar and wind resources, energy storage gives these electricity-generating sources baseload capability, eliminating the need for fossil fuel-based generating sources. I think we could see a fivefold or sixfold increase in the energy storage business by 2025. It’s a multibillion-dollar opportunity for investors.” – David Fessler, Energy Expert

6. Travel Stocks
“Travel has been completely non-existent in 2020. The entire country is just counting down the days until they can actually travel again. This pent up travel demand is creating what’s going to be the greatest travel year in the history of the world.” – Bryan Bottarelli, Technical Options Expert

7. Tech Stocks
“No doubt, technology is going to lead to some of the biggest gains of the next 12 months. We have our thumb on three specific spaces… with our fingers outstretched, always searching for more.” – Andy Snyder, Founder of Manward Press

8. Insider Stocks (Cluster buying)
“When the corporate council is buying, and the CEO is buying, and the CFO is buying and two directors are buying…what does that mean? They think the stock’s going higher. I pay attention to that and we’ve had tremendous success with following cluster buying.” – Karim Rahemtulla, Fundamental Options Expert

Prepare for a Winning 2021

Are these the best stocks to buy in 2021? Time will tell…but these are certainly some of the areas that have the most potential for continued growth in the months ahead. Please check back often as we will continue to monitor these stock trends throughout the year.

No matter what happens in 2021 and beyond, our team of experts is dedicated to delivering top notch investment opportunities right to your inbox. And by signing up for our Liberty Through Wealth e-letter, Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green can help unsure investors figure out how to maximize their gains for this year and many more to come.

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