Biden’s infrastructure plan is creating excitement. It would create jobs and hopefully give the U.S. economy a boost. Its proposed amount is $2.25 trillion! And investors want to know where to put their money to benefit. Here is a list of the top three stocks for Biden’s infrastructure plan.

But first… what is it?

The American Jobs Plan

These Biden infrastructure plan stocks will let investors benefit from the administration's goal of improving the U.S.' infrastructure, like the worker and equipment pictured.

On March 31, 2021, the White House released a statement about the American Jobs Plan. Its focus is rebuilding U.S. infrastructure, creating jobs and positioning the country to compete with China, according to the statement. It also claims the American Jobs Plan will be a type of investment not made since the interstate highway system or space race.

What Will It Do?

The statement lists all of the ways Biden intends the plan to help the U.S. and its citizens:

  1. Fix highways, rebuild bridges and upgrade ports, airports and transit systems
  2. Deliver clean drinking water, a renewed electric grid and high-speed broadband to all Americans
  3. Build, preserve and retrofit more than 2 million homes and commercial buildings, modernize our nation’s schools and child care facilities, and upgrade veterans hospitals and federal buildings
  4. Solidify the infrastructure of our care economy by creating jobs and raising wages and benefits for essential home care workers
  5. Revitalize manufacturing, secure U.S. supply chains, invest in R&D and train Americans for the jobs of the future
  6. Create good-quality jobs that pay prevailing wages in safe and healthy workplaces while ensuring workers have a free and fair choice to organize and join a union and bargain collectively with their employers.

Where Will the Money Go?

The Biden administration is asking for $2.25 trillion. Here’s a breakdown:

If the American Jobs Plan is approved, it looks like the government will be putting a lot of money into the economy. But of course, as an investor, you’re wondering, what can you do? To start, check out the three stocks for Biden’s infrastructure plan below. They should see higher returns, and they come from investing experts.

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Top Three Biden Infrastructure Plan Stocks

Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE: VMC)

Bryan Bottarelli is the Monument Traders Alliance’s Head Trade Tactician. In his article “Equal to 18 Years of Apple Sales (Crazy Stat Revealed),” Bottarelli breaks down the $2.25 trillion to show readers how much money it truly is. But he also recommended two plays for investors.

The first is Vulcan Materials. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, Vulcan has been around since 1909. It produces, distributes and sells construction materials. And since that’s a primary goal of the American Jobs Plan, Vulcan Materials could be well-positioned to benefit.

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Martin Marietta Materials (NYSE: MLM)

The second pick from Bottarelli is Martin Marietta. Surprise – it’s another construction stock. Founded in 1993, Martin Marietta is a member of the S&P 500 Index. The company operates in 26 states, Canada and the Caribbean.

Martin Marietta supplies aggregates and heavy building materials. Its focus is roads, sidewalks and foundations. Given the goals of Biden’s infrastructure plan, it’s not surprising this stock recently had a strong trading day. That means it might be a good investment opportunity if Biden’s plan is approved.

Global X U.S. Infrastructure Development ETF (CBOE: PAVE)

David Fessler is the Engineering Strategist at The Oxford Club and a contributor to Profit Trends. He’s one of the biggest experts in the industry. He gives his pick in his article “How to Invest in Infrastructure’s Long-Needed Boost.”

There, he states…

Buying an infrastructure ETF is financial one-stop shopping. And one of my favorites is the Global X U.S. Infrastructure Development ETF (CBOE: PAVE). Its investment mandate seems to be geared toward the current administration’s plan. This ETF “seeks to invest in companies that stand to benefit from a potential increase in infrastructure activity in the United States.” It contains about 100 infrastructure stocks. Industrial and materials companies make up about 65% and 21%, respectively, of the portfolio. It also invests in utilities, financials and information technology. But it’s heavily weighted toward pure infrastructure-related businesses.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be a great way for investors to take opportunities while hopefully limiting risk. If ETF investing interests you, check out our ETF page for some of the latest opportunities. And if the Biden infrastructure plan is approved, you might want to keep an eye on these stocks.


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