The stock market is a magnificent machine. Earnings season is helping to prop prices as inflation worries are being eased. But, with the Fed pulling back some of its support, can the growth continue? No worries even if growth slows, these top blue chip stocks to watch will help anchor your portfolio.

Blue chips stocks are well-established companies with a good reputation. Additionally, these types of stocks generally perform better than their peers when markets are in distress.

If you’re looking to protect your portfolio from rising rates, keep reading to find the top blue chip stocks to watch for next year.

Here are the best blue chip stocks to watch.

Top Blue Chip Stocks to Watch

Although growth stocks get all the attention on the news, these companies are some of the biggest brands around us. Above all, they rose to the top of their industry and are now executing on a high level.

As a result, they can pay a part of their earnings to investors. The payout comes in the form of a dividend. You can then reinvest dividends to compound returns over the long haul. And with that in mind, your top blue chip stocks to watch.

No. 7 Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO)

Coca-Cola has to be included somewhere in the definition of a blue chip stock. The company continues expanding into new income opportunities. Over the past 2 years, the company entered a market worth potentially over $14 billion by 2027 in hard seltzer.

In addition, the company is streamlining its brands, focusing on strong consumer favorites. As a result of the strategy, Coca-Cola is improving its profitability. For example, by concentrating on sparkling water during the pandemic, the company was able to drive 14% growth in the category.

Despite facing several obstacles these past few years, Coca-Cola is increasing its dividend for the 59th straight year. The growth shows the company’s commitment to rewarding shareholders.

No. 6 Starbucks (Nasdaq: SBUX)

Starbucks is yet another household name that has a history of rewarding shareholders. As the demand for coffee grows, the largest coffee chain is changing the industry through innovation.

Though not quite as long as Coca-Cola, Starbucks is also increasing its dividend, making it 12 consecutive years. But, up until the recent market downturn, Starbucks’ growth closely reflects that of a growth stock.

By focusing on the customer experience, the company continues expanding its operations. Over the last few years, Starbucks opened even more new stores, now totaling 34,317 stores globally.

Not only that, but the Starbucks rewards program makes it easy for customers to shop and pick up their favorites. The company’s loyalty program has done so well that now more than half of all sales come from rewards customers.

No. 5 Home Depot (NYSE: HD)

Home Depot is outperforming the market right now as home improvement became a key industry during the pandemic. In fact, the home improvement market recently experienced its most significant YOY increase in a decade, growing over 12% over the pandemic.

The company’s earnings are increasing as a result of the increased demand for DIY materials. In 2021, revenue reached $38 billion, up 15% from the previous year.

On top of this, Bank of America is saying Home Depot is one of the best retailers prepared to weather the supply chain issues plaguing the industry.

With this in mind, Home Depot is a top blue chip stock to watch going into next year.

No. 4 Disney (NYSE: DIS)

Despite suspending its dividend in the wake of the pandemic, Disney is still one of the most well-known brands in the world. On top of this, the company’s brand power is second to none.

Additionally, Disney’s direct-to-consumer business is thriving, with around 174 million subscribers between its digital platforms. As Disney’s parks are reopening and generating revenue again, it will help boost its earnings further.

Going forward, Disney’s advantage will continue to be its brand power. And now, with a growing direct-to-consumer platform, the company can release new products directly to users. Not only that, but the increasing base of users means higher ad revenue.

No. 3 JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM)

JPMorgan is undeniably dominating it this year. The largest bank in the U.S by AUM is getting even bigger with several business units expanding.

In its latest earnings, JPMorgan saw net profit margin of 36.92%, up nearly 30% from the previous year. The company’s resilience came as segments such as loans and credit services saw higher demand.

Going into this year and beyond, as interest rates will rise, it’s hard to beat JPMs position in the industry.

Keep reading to discover the top blue chip stocks to watch. 

No. 2 Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL)

When thinking of prime examples of blue chip stocks, Apple has proven itself over the past five years, returning over 283% to investors.

Not only that, but Apple’s financial growth is a textbook case study in business. And on top of this, the forward-thinking company isn’t slowing down.

And despite the recent tech stock drop, the companies financials still look incredibly impressive. Even recently, the company saw double-digit growth in each geographic segment, a massive accomplishment with supply chain challenges.

Apple’s generational brand power, financial positioning, and innovative abilities make it a top blue chip stock for years to come.

Blue Chip Stocks to Watch: No. 1 Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT)

As far as blue chip stocks go, Microsoft is a classic example. The company’s overall execution is as good as it’s ever been, generating returns for shareholders.

Microsoft’s commitment to the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to be a differentiator, separating Microsoft from other software-only strategies. The company pledged to invest $5B into IoT from 2018-2022.

As more businesses transition to the digital space, Microsoft is in the ideal position to capture a fair share of the potentially $791 billion cloud market. Not only that, but Microsoft’s diverse portfolio of business and consumer products brings it to #1 on the top blue chip stocks list.

Top Blue Chip Stocks to Watch – Looking Ahead

These are some of the top blue chip stocks to watch going into 2022 as investors are expecting macroeconomic changes. While this may be true, these companies are built to withstand adversity.

They have been tested before, and their business models have withstood the challenges. As far as investing goes, blue chip stocks are the best of the best. They have steady cash flows, solid product lineups and are becoming increasingly more profitable.

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If you are looking for steady returns, these companies above will be some of the best to keep an eye on going into next year.