Bryan Bottarelli is the Technical Options Expert at Investment U. He is also the Founder and Head Trade Tactician of Monument Traders Alliance, a new financial investment research service primed to help members make winning trades every single day.

Bryan believes his system for finding profitable trade setups is far superior to any other trading strategy in the world. So let’s take a closer look…

War Room Planning Bryan Bottarelli

What Do Bryan Bottarelli and The War Room Offer? 

By joining his live trading research service, The War Room Trader, subscribers receive top-notch trading insight. Bryan Bottarelli has the background of a true trading expert…

Almost 20 years ago he got his big break behind the scenes of Wall Street. He worked in the live trading pit of the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Standing for eight hours a day in a cramped Apple computer trading pit, he competed directly against the world’s best floor traders. Making a trade and then watching it go up hundreds of thousands of dollars in just minutes.

He learned to read the market down to the minute. On top of that, he learned tricks and methods that you cannot find anywhere else on the planet. That’s since the live trading pits are all but extinct today.

Then once he learned the skills he needed to trade from anywhere. He decided on a new life. Over the years Bryan Bottarelli has built up his own portfolio and recently, he’s developed a new way to help both beginner and advanced traders…

He spent a year and hired some of the best developers in the world to create the War Room. It’s a live, interactive market research center where you can join him and other people from around the world.

Bryan’s team has spent more than $2 million on research and development to perfect The War Room. They’ve created a platform to deliver daily opportunities for winning trades right to their subscribers. And to get an idea of how successful it’s been, let’s look at some feedback from War Room members…

“I am fairly new to trading and a total newbie. But after watching the action in The War Room today, my confidence level is up 1,000%.” – Mike C.

“The War Room is like my one-stop shop with the news updates, earnings alerts, real time alerts… Every sector plus the group commentary and personal trades and education… what more could you ask from a trading service!!” – Michael Esposito

“Nice 90% profit of $3,630 in under 24 hours.” – Mike

“My name’s Rick and I’m 67 years old and retired. Bryan continued to present trades that were valuable… In one case 130%, and in the other case 103% (in two weeks). And all because of this War Room collaboration.” – Rick

“Thanks, for the quick $1,340 gain on EQX! I just bought it yesterday at $7 and am out today at $7.94.” – David Solomon 

“Made $5,700 (26% gain) 8 minutes into the trading day. Might cut out at lunch for golf today.” – Micheal Kay

This is just a small sampling of all the positive feedback. And overall, Bryan’s goal is to get you, on average, one winning trade every single day.

His guarantee is that you’ll get 252 winning trade recommendations over the next year or he will work for you for free. If he doesn’t meet this guarantee he will give lifetime access.

He’s that confident in his system – and you can get all of his recommendations in The War Room.

So if you’re ready for the excitement and power of these trades, you’ll need to act right away.

To learn more straight from the source, check out The War Room by clicking here.

You can also sign up for the Investment U e-letter below. It’s packed with investing insight.

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