What is a Day-Count Convention?

Learn more about day-count convention and accrued interest

A day-count convention is the method of calculating accrued interest between coupon payment dates for a bond or credit swap.

Buying Bonds: A Step-by-Step Guide

What you need to know about buying bonds.

Keep reading for a basic primer on what you should know before buying bonds. We’ll go over common bond types, the pros and cons and more.

What is a Callable Bond?

The definition of a callable bond

While a callable bond comes with a maturity date, the issuer can actually recall the bond before that date.

What is a Bullet Bond?

Do you know what a bullet bond is

Most seasoned investors and traders who choose investment-grade bonds will find themselves investing in a bullet bond.

What is a Bondholder?

A bondholder doing research

A bondholder is an investor who holds a security, in this case a bond, with the promise of a future return.

What is Bond Current Yield?

Learn more about bond current yield

Bond current yield is a simple measure of what the bond will earn if you buy and hold it for a year based on its current price and coupon.

What is a Bond Valuation?

A bond valuation is important for investors to know

A bond valuation involves looking at two core figures: the present value of the coupon payment and the present value of the par value.