What is an Investment Transaction?

An investor making an investment transaction online

An investment transaction is when you buy or sell an asset. This is known as opening or closing a position in terms of the stock market.

What is a Stockholder?

A stockholder owns shares of public companies

A stockholder is someone who owns common or preferred stock of an entity. Also called a ‘shareholder’ in the stock market.

What is an Exercise Price?

Learn more about exercise price for options trading

An exercise price is the fixed price at which the investor can exercise the option. Let’s take a closer look on it’s impact on options and how it works. 

What are Business Losses?

There are different types of business losses. Let’s take a closer look at business losses to better-understand what they mean for a company. 

What is Managerial Accounting?

Managerial accounting is an important tool for executives

Managerial accounting focuses on providing financial information to managers, who use that data to guide and measure operational planning and decisions.

What is Liability Driven Investing?

The goal of liability driven investing is to cover future expenses.

The purpose of liability driven investing is to cover future expenses. And many large companies and institutions engage in this type of investing.

What is Inventory Turnover Ratio?

Learn how you can use the inventory turnover ratio formula

The inventory turnover ratio benchmarks the value of sold inventory vs. the remaining inventory with figures from the income statement and the balance sheet