What is Sum-of-Years Digits?

Learn more about sum-of-years digits

Sum-of-years digits is another accelerated depreciation method that applies a percentage of depreciation based on the years left in an asset’s useful life.

What are Tax-Advantaged Accounts?

Learn more about tax-advantaged accounts

Tax-advantaged accounts allow you to reduce taxes on your income. A traditional IRA is tax-deferred, and a Roth IRA is tax-exempt.

What is a Trailing Stop Order?

Put a trailing stop order in place

A trailing stop order is a stop-loss policy where a sell order is executed once the stock’s price drops by a specified percentage.

What is a Share of Stock?

Learn how to own a share of stock

A share of stock is a unit of investment that represents ownership in an entity. Shares are usually issued when companies or funds want to raise capital.

What is a Shareholder?

Owning one share makes you a shareholder

A shareholder is any person, company or organization that owns one or more shares of a company. This ownership stake is an investment vehicle.

What Is Short Selling?

Understand the risk of short selling stocks

Short selling hopes prices decrease so they can buy back the shares at a lower price and keep the difference. This carries high risk.

What is a Sole Proprietorship?

Looking at sole proprietorship documents

A sole proprietorship is owned by an individual, and the individual is responsible for all debts of the business. It is not a separate entity.