What is the Sharpe Ratio?
Here’s a closer look at the Sharpe ratio, how to calculate it and how investors can apply it to asset evaluation.
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
Let’s look at some of the common techniques and technical analysis of stock trends used by technical analysts.
What is a Dealer Market?
Here’s a closer look at how the dealer market works, and the primary functions of market makers in general.
Your Complete Guide to Real Estate Private Equity
You may be wondering, how does real estate private equity work? Keep reading to learn about the history, strategies, top firms and more.
What is Effective Yield?
Effective yield represents the total return on a bond assuming the bondholder reinvests each coupon payment at the same rate.
A Closer Look at Berkshire Hathaway Earnings
As per usual, Berkshire Hathaway earnings didn’t disappoint. Here’s a rundown of how the company performed in 2021.
In the Money Options vs. Out of the Money Options
Many investors prefer in the money options because the option price includes intrinsic value. Keep reading to learn more.
Mortgage Tips to Consider
Here are some mortgage tips to help the process move more smoothly. We’ll go over pre-approval, closing costs, loan types and more.