A Bet on the Dollar

Non-U.S. residents are making sure they have access to U.S. dollars in case things go awry…

How Beginners Can Invest in Stocks – Even with Little Money

A man lifts his spectacles up to examine a tiny bit of money in his hands. Here's how to invest in the stock market for beginners with little money.

Many people want to invest, but they don’t think they have enough money. It’s a shame, because anyone can open a position with relatively little money and still reap the benefits of market growth. So Investment U put together this guide to discuss how beginners with little money can invest in stocks. Start by looking […]

The Grey Market Defined and Explained

The grey market is legal but unofficial and unregulated.

The grey market is an uncommon investment term. The first definition deals with buying and selling goods. The second definition ties into the IPO market.

Simple Interest Calculator

simple interest calculator

Being able to calculate simple interest is key to your financial literacy. The simple interest calculator below will help determine the amount of interest charged on a loan, fixed deposit or savings account over a specific period of time. In other words, it is used to calculate monthly payments that are simple interest-only. Simple Interest […]