What is a 401(k) Plan?

piggy bank 401k plans

A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that comes from Section 401(k) in the Revenue Act of 1978. It provides tax advantaged accounts…

What Is an IPO?

What is an IPO? The acronym stands for Initial Public Offering

An IPO can be a great investment opportunity. But if you haven’t heard of it before, you might be wondering, “What is an IPO?” Here’s a quick guide…

Why I’m Betting on a Q4 Rally

We’ve endured choppy markets over the last two years. Does market analysis show the market will sustain its current rally, or will we see a repeat of 2018’s fourth quarter?

What is an IRA Rollover?

IRA rollover written down next to money and calculator

An IRA (individual retirement account) rollover is a transfer of funds from one retirement account to a traditional or Roth IRA. The rollover is used to move assets from a 401(k) or similar retirement accounts. The funds can then be used with either a new employer’s retirement plan or another account provider. One main benefit […]