What to Do With Your Money in Your 30s

Your 30s – or your 40s or 50s, for that matter – are not a time to kick back and relax too heavily. Instead, they’re the perfect opportunity to prepare for life-changing events, particularly retirement. Unfortunately, those of us still several decades away from retirement can’t rely on government assistance down the road when we do finally step out of the workforce.

>> What to Do With Your Money in Your 30s

How to Use Option Chains: Here’s How To Pick Your Ideal Option

How to Use Option Chains: Here’s How To Pick Your Ideal Option By Lee Lowell, Stock and Commodity Options Expert Tuesday, February 14, 2006: Issue #283 Let’s say you’re bullish on a company and want to use call options instead of buying the stock because it’s a great way to use leverage and cut down […]

Market Maker Manipulation: Are Market Makers Playing Games With Our Profits?

Market Maker Manipulation: Are Market Makers Playing Games With Our Profits? By Karim Rahemtulla, Investment Director, Mt. Vernon Research Friday, August 26, 2005: Issue #237 It’s happened to all of us. We’re tracking our position like a hawk. It’s going our way, we’re deep in the money, and the ask price keeps trucking along… Life […]

Put Call Ratio: Using Options to Tell When Stocks Are About to Fall

  Put Call Ratio: Using Options to Tell When Stocks Are About to Fall By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, Chairman, Investment U Monday, June 20, 2005: Issue #446 “I’m recommending put options on Google” my friend Porter Stansberry told me two weeks ago “So my readers can make triple-digit profits as shares fall back to earth. […]