Cheap stocks are gaining more popularity. The barriers to entry for investing are coming down, so many more people can take part. And not only that, but a wider breadth of income types has access to financial education and freedom. Plus, cheap stocks are a fun way to make some money. And many investors are looking for the best cheap stocks to watch now.

When it all comes down to it, there’s a main reason cheap stocks are popular. And that is the aspect of “this investment could make me rich.” And, that’s true. Many of the most popular brands today started out as penny stocks or very cheap stocks.

And now, we’re all getting access to more and better financial education. So, it’s becoming easier to predict which companies will succeed and do well in the future. And it’s giving these projects more momentum, earlier and faster than ever before.

These cheap stocks tend to carry volatility. And while that can make you rich, it can also mean bad things for your investment. So, it’s important to educate yourself and practice with small amounts.

Cheap stocks to watch now.


Why Do You Want Cheap Stocks?

One big thing to consider is why you want the stocks to be cheap. Is it because they have a lower price for entry? Is it because they tend to have higher volatility? What do you mean by “cheap?” Cheap in price? Cheap in value?

It’s smart to consider all these things. And answer them for yourself. It will give you a much more focused way of looking at stocks. And, creating your portfolio for that matter. Which, in the end, will give you better quality and performance.

Best Cheap Stocks to Watch

Cheap Stocks to Watch in 2022

No. 8 Western Copper and Gold Corp.

Copper is a resource that’s been useful for a long time. And it’s still worth a lot of money because of its usefulness. And the same applies to gold. It’s a great hedge against inflation. And there’s no shortage of that recently.

This cheap stock is currently developing in Canada. And the company is mining a project and it’s affectionately named, The Casino Project.

No. 7 Golden Ocean Group Ltd.

This cheap stock is a shipping company. Which is another market that’s been doing quite well for the past couple of years. While the shipping backup catches up for the rest of us, these types of businesses are doing very well. They’re likely operating at max capacity. Which means more revenues rolling in. And, an opportune time for them to grow. Both for its core business and client base.

Something interesting about Golden Ocean is their insane dividend yield. Now, this can sometimes raise a red flag. So, it’s important not to jump in headfirst because of the enormous dividend.

No. 6 Huttig Building Products

Real estate and infrastructure are two other industries getting lots of attention recently. This cheap stock is a great blend of both those markets. So, it’s reasonable to expect Huttig’s stock is doing well. It’s more in the real estate market. So, home building products, like doors, decks, siding, etc.

While it carries dozens of other brands, it also has its own line of fasteners. And, it produces those that are useful for home building as well as commercial builds.

No. 5 Ambev SA

This cheap stock is a couple merged brewing companies that became its own business. And it’s a Brazilian company. Now, it has merged with Anheuser-Busch, too! Ambev produces and is partnered with all kinds of drink products. Including soft drinks, energy drinks and of course, beer.

Ambev has received dozens of awards. And not just for its drinks. Corporate awards are also won by Ambev. Plus, this stock has a long history, dating all the way back to 1853. With a long history, the share price has hit many highs and lows. And recently, it’s coming off a low. So, it could be a great time to get some money into this cheap stock.

No. 4 Up Fintech Ltd.

This cheap stock headquarters in China. It owns a primary brand called Tiger Brokers. And this company helps global investors build their portfolio with ease and security. Up Fintech is an online broker. And its goal is to provide higher efficiency to investors. So, their money can work harder for them.

Something great about this company is they have a “Stock College” section on the website. This is a collection of videos that educates people all about stocks. And trading and investing them, of course.

No. 3 ICL Group Ltd.

ICL is a cheap stock and an Israeli company that produces mineral products. And that includes products for the industrial, food and agricultural industries. Plus, it’s very focused on innovating and creating sustainable answers to these processes.

They use the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. And the top three of these goals include abolishing poverty and hunger. With the third being quality health and well-being.

No. 2 Evolution Petroleum Corp.

It’s no secret that the oil and gas markets are seeing a big rise in prices. And when oil and gas prices rise, so do its accompanying stock share price. This cheap stock has been getting a nice taste of those increases. Revenue, share price and profits are all up significantly.

Founded in 1994, Evolution Petroleum is headquartered in Texas. So, it’s a U.S. company that has got quite a bit of history behind them. Plus, offering a dividend yield over 4% is sure to bring in some new investors.

Cheap Stocks to Watch No. 1 MoneyLion Inc.

This cheap stock has a market cap of over $500 million. So, there’s plenty of room for investors to get in and make some money. This app aims to make finances easily accessible for the population who hasn’t gotten to 1% status yet. The company provides saving, investing, and other financial resources.

It boasts a broad range of large investors in the company. And, MoneyLion is not shy about showing off its many awards. Including the 2020 Forbes Fintech 50, and a handful of various websites’ awards. These are for wealth management, best digital banks and others. All these facts together point to this cheap stock being a good investment.