The derivatives market doesn’t deal with fungible assets. Instead, it’s a secondary market focused on the volatility of capital markets and assets. As the name implies, the financial products traded in this market are derivations of underlying values. It’s also a market steeped in volatility. Not only is there price fluctuation in the underlying assets, derivative buying and selling also generates volatility. 

Derivatives are largely seen as speculative investments. This market caters to hedgers, speculators, margin traders and arbitrageurs. Derivative investors typically have a specific reason for participating in this market. For example, one might buy a futures contract to hedge against investment in a certain commodity. Arbitrageurs, on the other hand, find price discrepancies more easily due to derivative price volatility. 

To understand what makes the derivatives market tick and how it brings wealth to investors, read on. 

The derivatives market hedges volatility

What is a Derivative?

A derivative is a type of financial contract. Two parties come together to agree on the underlying value of an asset. They create terms surrounding that asset and its price. Rather than the direct exchange of assets or capital, derivatives get their value from the behavior of that underlying asset. For example, a futures contract about soybeans doesn’t involve buying or selling soybeans. Instead, it’s value derives from the cost of buying and selling soybeans.

At their core, derivatives strive to create a balanced exchange rate for assets. Buyers and sellers use derivative contracts as a hedge against volatility. But, derivatives themselves are now subject to buying and selling. 

Types of Derivatives

There are several types of derivative contracts. The most common are futures contracts and options. Forwards and swaps are also prevalent derivatives. Here’s a look at what the derivatives market and types of contracts represent:

The reality of derivatives is that they’re infinite. Investors can buy and sell derivative contracts for any asset that appreciates or depreciates. There are even weather derivatives, to hedge against losses caused by inclement weather!

Keep reading for more info on the derivatives market.

How to Buy, Sell And Trade Derivatives

There are two markets for derivatives. Exchange-traded derivatives happen through brokerages and include options and futures. Over-the-Counter (OTC) derivatives occur between parties directly and include forwards and swaps. 

It’s important to understand that regardless of the type of derivative, there’s inherent risk. Derivatives are volatile by nature and can be extremely risky without proper hedges. Derivative credit swaps were actually one of the largest contributors to the 2008 Great Recession. While there have been reforms in derivative markets, there’s still inherent risk for new investors. 

Key Derivatives Market Terms to Know

The language of the derivatives market makes this a difficult market for beginners. Here’s a look at some of the most important terms you need to know:

As with all markets, there’s a significant amount of language to learn in the derivative’s market. It’s best for new investors to get a clear understanding of the language before diving in. 

The Basic Functions of The Derivatives Market

The function of the derivatives market is to hedge against volatility. This risk reduction fuels confidence in underlying capital markets, allowing companies to grow and prosper. The risk mitigation also brings some level of stability to the most important global financial markets. On top of it all, the derivatives market itself provides wealth-generating opportunities. 

While it’s a speculative market, speculation is what gives derivatives value. Their links to a fungible asset give them a powerful benchmark, while allowing for larger participation from investors at cheaper prices.

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