Retail investors buy and sell stocks, bonds and other investment products through a broker. Though most offer the same scope of services, they all vary slightly in terms of capabilities and benefits. These types of brokers fall under the “discount broker” umbrella.

A discount broker is a brokerage firm that offers its services for less than traditional brokerage fees. There are typically only fees associated with account maintenance or trades—not the administrative fees or the active management fees you’d find at a traditional brokerage. It’s a trade-off. Lower fees enable investors to keep more of their investment gains. That said, they don’t necessarily have access to the personalized resources that a full-service brokerage might offer. 

There are pros and cons to choosing a discount broker. It’s important to understand your needs as an investor when it comes time to choose a trading platform. 

A discount broker talking to a client

Discount vs. Full-Service Brokers

Discount brokers operate in contrast to full-service brokers. As the names imply, each serves a specific purpose in catering to investors. 

There is no wrong answer for which type of brokerage to work with. Many retail investors simply choose discount brokers because they don’t need the robust services of a traditional broker—or, they want to preserve as much of their wealth as possible.

The Largest Discount Brokerages

Most brand-name brokers targeting retail investors fall under the discount broker umbrella. Most of these brokers do offer some level of full-service management. However, their primary usership falls under the discount broker category. Some of the largest discount brokers include:

These platforms represent a fraction of the prolific number of discount brokers active today. Most previously charged commissions and account fees, until the rise of digital brokerages forced a race to the bottom on fee structure. 

The Rise of Digital No-Fee Brokerages

For all intents and purposes, most discount brokers have a digital presence. There is, however, a new wave of discount brokers that’s disrupting the retail investing sector. These digital no-fee brokerages were the first to offer zero-commission trades and an absolutely free account structure. 

While other brokers have since dropped fees to be more competitive, digital brokerages maintain competitive advantages. They offer more resources, modern trading interfaces and access to advanced trading options. In short, they’re bridging the gap between full-service capabilities and discount fees. 

No Personalized Services or Advice

The biggest drawback of using a discount broker is the lack of individualized or personalized services. Specifically, traditional brokerages can tailor investments to each client and develop a more robust investment strategy based on a unique financial position. There are also an abundance of peripheral services to consider. These perks simply aren’t accessible through discount brokers.

Many discount brokers compensate for this lack of active management through technology. For example, robo-advisors have taken the place of fund managers at many discount brokerages. Likewise, automated trading tools make it possible to formulate your own trading strategy without relying on proprietary broker strategies. While they’re not a 1:1 replacement for traditional full-service brokerages, they’re enough for everyday retail investors. 

Who Benefits From Using Discount Brokers?

The biggest draw of a discount broker is right there in the name: discount. Low-to-no fees make it easy for anyone to invest and trade, and to keep more of their wealth. Not everyone needs the services of a traditional broker, including retirement planning, money management, active account management and more. For those with the confidence to execute their own trades, discount brokers are ideal. 

Discount brokers are accessible, convenient and simple. This also appeals to “set it and forget it” investors. Long-term investors who want to make regular contributions and rebalance at set intervals will find discount brokers a welcome solution. If you are looking for brokerage reviews and more investing insights, sign up for our Investment U e-letter below.

In short, more retail investors opt for discount brokers. Unless you have a reason to pursue more advanced trading advice and money management services… Why pay for them?