Aside from REITs, energy companies reign supreme when it comes to paying dividends. In fact, energy dividend stocks tend to be a strong cornerstone of many passive income portfolios, often functioning like bonds or annuities. Yet, it’s important to remember that these are still equities and thus, subject to the conditions of the stock market. In short: not all energy dividend stocks are equal.  

With all the attention energy stocks have received in 2022 due to global market disruption and demand, many investors are beginning to look at these companies for the first time. If you’re interested in energy stocks for their dividends, here’s a closer look at three categories to consider: stable, growing and struggling dividend paying companies in the energy sector

Energy dividend stocks can grow your passive income

5 Stable Energy Dividend Stocks

Looking for a few tried-and-true energy dividend stocks to add to your portfolio? Start with these stalwarts, which include a mix of Dividend Aristocrats and companies with proven dividend performance spanning a decade

5 Fastest-Growing Energy Dividends

Fancy yourself a dividend growth investor? Here’s a look at five energy dividend stocks that have shown continuous, healthy growth over the past few years. Provided they can sustain them, these dividends are strong contenders in any diversified portfolio. 

5 Energy Stocks With Struggling Dividends

Sometimes, struggling dividends offer a good entry point for future dividend growth and stability. These companies have either cut their dividend in the past decade or have struggled to justify it. Nevertheless, recent performance might demand a second look.

Are Energy Dividend Stocks Safe?

Investors bulking up their portfolios with energy dividend stocks have plenty of options to choose from. The question is: what level of risk are you willing to accept when it comes to dividend security? Energy dividends are appealing because they’re often higher than other sectors; yet, not every company can sustain them in turbulent times. 

If you’re going to invest in energy dividends, consider spreading them out among all three of the above groups. Stalwarts ensure stability, growth dividends represent opportunity, and struggling companies could be value play candidates. At current, the energy sector itself is rife with opportunity, which makes these dividend paying stocks even more appealing.