Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have risen in popularity as an investment vehicle over the last decade. ETF pros and cons appeal to a wide range of investor types and risk levels, making them a great intermediary form of investment. They don’t carry the risk that individual securities do yet aren’t as broad as index funds. Moreover, ETFs don’t carry the fees mutual funds typically do. They’re a very appealing product to a broad cross-section of investors. 

To understand why so many investors – retail and institutional – love ETFs, it’s worth drilling down deeper into the pros and cons. What makes them a more stable investment than individual stocks? Why are the fees lower than other types of managed funds? Let’s get to know the good and the bad of ETFs so you can determine whether they’re a savvy choice for your portfolio.  

Graph of ETF pros and cons

What Is an Exchange-Traded Fund?

An ETF is a type of fund that tracks another investment. These funds can track anything from a broad index like the S&P 500, to a collection of stocks in a particular sector, to commodities and beyond. While this might sound similar to derivative investments, it’s different in that ETFs trade on stock exchanges. Investors can buy and sell shares using a ticker symbol.

Typically, ETFs have a theme – something that anchors their investment focus. For example…

ETFs have an unlimited number of shares, and investors can buy or sell at any time. This is opposite something like a mutual fund, which has strict rules about buy-in and cash-out, depending on the fund. 

The Pros of ETFs

Investors typically choose ETFs because of their consistency. On the scale of volatility and risk, they’re on par with mutual funds – they’re less volatile than individual securities but more prone to action than broad index funds. Here’s a look at some of the specific reasons investors choose ETFs.

At their core, ETFs offer “bucket” investment potential. If you know what you want to invest in – emerging markets, a specific sector, company size, etc. – an ETF offers instant diversity, without sacrificing focus. 

The Cons of ETFs

Despite offering some hedge against risk, ETFs aren’t immune to volatility. Moreover, many of the benefits they offer come with trade-offs. Here are some of the reasons ETFs might not be for you.

Seasoned investors might want more control over their money than ETFs can offer. Moreover, trending too heavily into ETFs can leave you with diversification issues, depending on the fund. It’s important to invest in reputable ETFs with transparency and a strong performance history. 

The Bottom Line on ETFs

ETFs do what they’re designed to: hedge against risk. ETFs have found their niche among investors who want to focus on a specific market, without the legwork of researching many different companies. It’s much easier to find an ETF that focuses on X, Y or Z to hedge your exposure to a specific segment of the market. With low fees and modest stability, ETFs are great for risk-averse investors as well. 

To learn more about ETFs, sign up for the Liberty Through Wealth e-letter below. A portfolio with exchange-traded funds can help you build toward financial independence in your life.

Should you invest in exchange-traded funds? Consider ETF pros and cons and see how they stack up against your investing thesis. If you want diversity with focus in a specific sector, they’re a great vehicle. If you’re looking for rapid growth or want broad exposure, individual stocks or index funds may be a better play. It all comes down to factors like focus, risk, investing habit and cost.

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