Hold on, America. Here we come.

Our bid for the White House is shaping up nicely.

The action of the last two weeks is exactly why we want our shot at the helm. And what we’d do about it is exactly why we’re entirely unelectable.

America and her citizenry have fallen into a grave trap. Like a fat cow struggling to get out of a mud hole, our legs are stuck. And the more we move, the deeper we go.

This time the buggers in charge are going after our health.

We won’t repeat the news about the virus that’s captured the world’s attention. Instead, we’ll tell you of another deadly germ that kills far more folks and wreaks far more havoc.

This one has wiped out entire cities. It’s brutally targeted individual races and religions. It’s killed quietly in the middle of the night, and it’s come stomping boldly through the front door.

By one professor’s count, it took the lives of more than 262 million people in the 20th century… and there’s no vaccine in sight.

What’s worse… these germs seem to have found a way to create an addiction inside the human body.

Folks are begging for more.

Drunk at the Wheel

Despite the fact that governments across the globe have spent the last century killing the equivalent of two-thirds of America’s modern population… we still haven’t walled off our cities from these beasts, we haven’t added tales of their dangers to our school books and we haven’t yet washed our hands of this dangerous disease.

We turn on the TV… and we overlook their lies and false promises.

We go to dinner… and let them dominate the conversation and pull our lives apart.

And these days… we open our brokerage account and see the devastation they’ve done.

We hope the spread of the coronavirus and the inept reaction to it by governments across the globe opens some eyes.

We hope folks see the CDC failed. We hope they see the horrendous acts and lies pulled off by the Chinese government. And we beg that they realize the idea of government protection has done little but chisel away more of their Liberty… and their bank account.

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Countdown to Calamity

It’s the latter that’s obvious in our world this week.

The countdown to destruction is ticking away once again.

10… 9… 8…… 3… 2… 1.

Those aren’t arbitrary figures to some arbitrary event. They’re representatives of the most important number in all of economics. They’re the numbers in this chart.

Most Important Numbers
Click to view a larger image

When the 10-year Treasury hits zero, the monetary world is in for a painful wake-up call.

And we’re inching ever so close to it.

We saw 0.91% yesterday – a rate that’s half of what it was at Christmas.

Right now, that number means everything.

It’s a gauge for all things related to the government’s manipulation of the current crisis and all the crises that came before.

Markets surged out of the gate this week – not because the news was good or because the nation’s economic picture has brightened.

Just the opposite.

Things got so bad last week that the Fed decided our zombified patient deserves another hit of his favorite drug.

The economy is threatening to do what it wants so badly to do – shrink – but our oh-so-smart keepers can’t afford the fallout. So yesterday they did what they’ve done for the last two decades.

They stimulated.

They lowered the price of money once again… in the name of keeping stocks and the economy that depends on them from falling apart.

We all know it can’t last.

Anybody who can read knows it will end in pain.

The United States is the only country left on the planet that has rates that can come down.

But we are now one step closer to zero… The countdown to calamity is almost over.

When it gets there, our half-assed bid for the Oval Office will be a sure thing. The nation will run the crooks that caused this mess out of town at the end of a rusty pitchfork.

The government doesn’t have the solution.

It can’t grant you good health. It can’t make you rich. And it can’t ensure your enduring freedom.

Only you can.

And if you’re relying on your government for any of the above… here’s your first step.


It will only end in pain.

There are 262 million graves to prove it.

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