In this Gone Fishin’ Portfolio review, we’ll look at the portfolio’s strategy, who’s behind it and how it’s performed. The portfolio takes a passive approach that’s backed by research. And it provides many opportunities to increase returns while lowering risk at the same time.

Before we dive in, you might also want to consider signing up for Liberty Through Wealth. It’s a free e-letter that’s packed with market wisdom. Whether you’re a beginner or already an experienced investor, you’ll find lots of useful tips and insights.

What Is the Gone Fishin’ Portfolio?

Started in 2003, the Gone Fishin’ Portfolio provides a conservative approach to investing. It follows a battle-tested strategy built on the most advanced principles of money management.

It’s based on an investment strategy that won the Nobel Prize in economics. Yet it’s easy to follow and set up. And it takes only 20 minutes a year to maintain…

That’s less than 0.004% of a year, so it frees up plenty time to go fishing. Hence the name.

When it comes to investing, a little effort can lead to a huge difference in your portfolio. As you’ll see below, the Gone Fishin’ Portfolio has climbed more than 4X since its start. That’s a great return! And even more impressive when considering the low risk.

One big focus of the portfolio is allocation. Spreading a portfolio across different investments can smooth out the short-term swings. For example, when one fund is down, others might be up. And this can reduce short-term losses.

The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio is designed to be both aggressive enough to boost your long-term returns and uncorrelated enough to smooth out the inevitable bumps along the way.

To learn more about the strategy and allocation behind this approach, you can check out the book dedicated to it. And we certainly recommend doing so. The author behind it isn’t new to sharing his best strategies, and he makes them easy to understand…

Alexander Green and The Oxford Club

Alexander Green is the Chief Investment Strategist of the Oxford Club. He’s the author of four national bestsellers and is an expert on momentum investing, microcap investing and investing based on insider activity.

A Wall Street veteran, Alex has more than 20 years of experience as a research analyst, investment advisor, financial writer and portfolio manager. He now runs the successful Oxford Communiqué, ranked as one of the top investment newsletters in the nation by Hulbert Financial Digest for more than a decade.

The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio is one of four portfolios connected to that newsletter. Let’s take a closer look at how it’s performed…

Performance Review and Feedback

Here’s a breakdown of the portfolio’s annual returns…

2003 32.7% 2009 34.4% 2015 -3.5%
2004 15.3% 2010 16.4% 2016 11.1%
2005 11.8% 2011 -3.1% 2017 16.4%
2006 17.1% 2012 13.5% 2018 -8.8%
2007 9.7% 2013 12.4% 2019 20.4%
2008 -31.7% 2014 3.9% 2020 12.8%


Of course, there are some down years, but it’s a long-term strategy. The buy-and-hold approach – along with occasional rebalancing – has led to some big returns.

An investment of $100,000 in the portfolio at its start in 2003 – with dividends reinvested – was worth $415,215 at the end of 2019. And since then, the stock market has hit new highs, so returns would be even higher.

Readers who have followed this approach should have some healthy gains. And across Alex’s research services, he’s received a lot of positive feedback…

“Reader for 10 years. I started with $150,000. Today I have $3.5 million despite all my personal and family expenses over this whole period. All of that growth was due to the recommendations I got from The Oxford Club.” – Pat Douglas

“[Alex] recommended [a stock] when it was $45 a share. I bought it five times. I made a MILLION-TWO on the fifth time [for 1,000% gains from 2004 to 2018].” – Sal Campisi

“My future retirement is looking rosier than ever! Keep up the good work and thank you so much for making this available.” – Brian Cornwell

That’s just a small sample of the positive feedback Alex has received. And meanwhile, he continues to share top-notch investment research…

I’ve mentioned the free e-letter Liberty Through Wealth above. But what I didn’t mention is that Alexander Green is also a writer for it. Subscribing is the easiest way possible to get some of his best insights for free. Simply sign up in the sidebar or in the box below.

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