How far would you go to protect your retirement savings?

As the old Wall Street adage goes, “It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep” – and what you keep could be the main factor in deciding your quality of life in your golden years.

But while the saying is often used to describe taxes, there are more threats to your retirement…

Loan Loss Previsions

Recently, rock-bottom interest rates have left fans of Treasurys crestfallen. And inflation threatens to take a bigger bite out of our savings each year…

And due to the economic slowdowns that came from COVID-19, many companies have suspended or cut their dividends.

Take The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS), for example… the market is no longer the happiest place on earth.

But even in a world where it feels like we control so little…

And are powerless against things like a tanking market, the coronavirus outbreak, the Fed, taxes and volatility

You still have the power to protect – and even grow – your wealth.

And in this week’s State of the Market video, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld will show you how.

In last week’s segment, Marc explained why cash flow is a critical metric for determining a company’s dividend safety.

And yesterday on his popular YouTube channel, he rolled up his sleeves and showed viewers how to do it for themselves.

This secret – the formula for calculating the safety of your income investments – is critical to Marc’s dividend investing philosophy.

The signature 10-11-12 System he coined in his bestseller Get Rich with Dividends promises an 11% yield within 10 years or 12% average annual returns in 10 years with dividends reinvested. This means that he has a zero-tolerance policy for a company that betrays its shareholders’ trust.

So Marc learned from the start to “expect the unexpected” and not take companies at their word. That’s why he shares insight into many businesses’ true health each week in his Safety Net column with the help of his powerful rating system, SafetyNet Pro.

Marc wants you to experience the peace of mind of a secure retirement…

And plan for the future confident that your income investments will deliver.

Check out this week’s State of the Market and learn how to calculate dividend safety for yourself using metrics like funds from operations and distributable cash flow.

Then, take a swing at it for yourself and cast a light on any dangers lurking in your portfolio using SafetyNet Pro.

The beauty of Marc’s time-tested strategy is that it doesn’t require you to take over the Fed, single-handedly move the market or commit tax fraud.

All it takes is 10 minutes, some simple math and the will to build a wealthy retirement.

Click here to watch.

Leave any questions you have in the video’s comments, and Marc may address them in an upcoming segment.

Good investing,
