Our lives have been reshaped by mobile devices and smartphones.

Chances are, you’re probably reading this on one such device.

They’re ubiquitous.

And because these hunks of aluminum, plastic and silicon are now vital tethers to our family, friends, jobs, news and entertainment, their appetite is growing. They’re eating up more and more data.

To satisfy us – and our devices – the demand for faster networks is surging.

That’s why, today we focus on another emerging opportunity…


This next-generation network could offer consumers the salvation they’ve been looking for. And it’s imperative for all those futuristic gadgets we’ve patiently waited for: autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things, robots and more.

In this inaugural episode of Biz Now!, I break down what 5G means for the world, as well as the opportunities it presents and global market projections for the next five years.

For any investor intrigued by the possibilities of 5G, this video is a great introduction and one we’re sure you’ll find entertaining.

Good investing,
