Machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, 5G… these are just some of the things that come to mind when we look at emerging modern technologies. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is certainly well underway. Staying up to date on the latest tech trends and inventions is absolutely critical for investors this year and moving forward.


Thinking of Investing in Technology?

If you‘re interested investing in technology, look no further than our Tech Stocks hub page. Here we discuss how technology has not only opened new doors to investors, but also has increased the speed at which wealth is built.

Profit Trends’ Energy Expert David Fessler says, “The cloud just keeps getting bigger, and there are plenty of technology companies riding this gravy train. Medical technology is also growing rapidly. New software startups will be tomorrow’s public winners. It’s one of my big focus areas for the next five years.”

Whether it‘s renewable energy, infrastructure or medical technology, Fessler is always up to date on the latest and greatest technology trends. Sign up for Profit Trends below to stay in the loop.

Cloud Computing and AI Technology

Cloud computing offers opportunities for investments in an area that already accounts for “almost 60% of total U.S. technology spending.” The technology allows companies to pay for software subscriptions and rent computer power online instead of trying to match it with their servers.

MoneyWeek projects big wins for the industry giants as multinationals “seek help” in moving their data across multiple clouds. However, smaller companies that can produce a dominant platform may deserve consideration as well.

Artificial intelligence may interest investors who want to know what to prioritize for investing. Google’s parent company, Alphabet (Nasdaq: GOOGL), relies on it for “obvious applications like Google Assistant” and auto-generating data that helps users write faster emails. Alphabet’s 26% year-over-year revenue growth in the second quarter exceeded expectations.

Technology Stocks to Invest In

Start Investing in Technology Today

A few hundred dollars invested in Amazon back in 1997 would have made you a millionaire today. Massive gains would have come from investments in Facebook, Microsoft and Intel as well. Whether you’re investing in technology or any other sector, it’s important to get started now.

As Bill Gates said, “Investing in tomorrow’s technology today is more critical than ever.“ Get started now by signing up for the free Profit Trends e-letter below.

More Technology Investing Resources

Tech Stocks
Best Tech Stocks to Watch Right Now
Invest in 5G Technology

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