The Investment U Conference brings together some of the biggest names in finance. And I had the opportunity to see it firsthand.

For three days, I got key insight from investing experts about today’s market. This included stock recommendations, investing strategies and wealth beyond net worth. And I want to share my journey with you.

Investment U Conference 2021 Review: Key Takeaways

At the Investment U Conference 2021, a panel of investing experts discussed today's disruptive technologies.

What Is It?

For those who haven’t heard of it before, the Investment U (IU) Conference is an annual investing convention. It brings together Members of The Oxford Club and many other investors.

Unfortunately, IU canceled the 2020 conference due to the pandemic. But this year, Investment U was excited to bring the conference back in a big way. It delivered a star lineup of speakers, along with some big ideas.

For 2021, IU took place in sunny Florida, a great location after the cold winter months. The Oxford Club usually holds it in Florida every other year. And the Vinoy Renaissance was a great choice of resort. Beaches and restaurants lined the street with a beautiful view of the water. I was even fortunate enough to have a balcony overlooking the bay. It’s a view you don’t get tired of.

The conference lasts three days, usually Thursday to Saturday. Each day is filled with presentations and discussions from investing experts. But at IU, wealth isn’t just about money. It’s about experiences, health and so much more. That’s why this year, the Investment U Conference was proud to host esteemed guests to speak about wealth beyond money.

IU 2021: Keynote Speakers

John Mackey

Whole Foods Market – now owned by Amazon – is a household name in the grocery industry. Customers know the store for its organic and plant-based products. The founder and CEO John Mackey is a vegan himself and has a strong track record of success in the business world. That’s why he was one of IU’s keynote speakers this year.

At the Investment U Conference, Mackey presented his unique view on capitalism. In the beginning of his talk, Mackey stated…

I think capitalism is the greatest creation that humanity has ever done. It is the golden goose laying all the golden eggs and helping humanity advance. And that’s not the narrative we read, it’s not the narrative we hear, but it’s true.

He went on to show how society and the economy has changed over the last couple hundred years. Mackey insisted economic freedom can help lead to the end of poverty. Many of Mackey’s points were inspired by his book, Conscious Capitalism, the title of his presentation. Mackey also wrote Conscious Leadership and The Whole Foods Diet.

Dan Buettner

Perhaps one of the most interesting presentations was Dan Buettner’s on blue zones. If you’ve never heard of blue zones, don’t worry. You’d fit right in at the conference. But despite few people knowing what they are, blue zones are some of the most interesting places in the world.

Blue zones are areas or regions with the greatest life longevity. These are villages with more centennials than anywhere else. Some of them include Sardinia, Okinawa and Nicoya.

Buettner told us not only where the blue zones are but also how each zone lives, including diets, traditions and values. Many of the conference attendees are part of an older generation, with a majority being over the age of 65. As a result, most found his presentation insightful, looking at the longevity of life from a different perspective.

If you’re interested in learning more about the blue zones, Buettner has a book titled The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest. Additionally, there’s a cookbook for those interested in how diet can affect longevity.

Ronald Bailey

The final keynote speaker was Ronald Bailey. He is the science correspondent for Reason magazine, where he writes a weekly science and tech column. Bailey is also an author, writing Liberation Biology, Eco-Scam and Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know: And Many Others You Will Find Interesting.

That last one has a long title, but it was also the focus of his IU presentation. It covered trends from the “Great Enrichment” and resource abundance to the hopeful end of poverty and famine. Some of the graphed trends he presented were also talked about in John Mackey’s Conscious Capitalism.

Investment U 2021: The Investing Experts

IU is mainly focused on investing and helping people achieve financial freedom. So what kind of conference would it be without some amazing investing experts? Here’s a list of the investing experts who spoke at the Investment U Conference and what they talked about:

Alex Green is a fan favorite. He’s the Chief Investment Strategist at The Oxford Club and Editor of Liberty Through Wealth. Green talked about disruption in the stock market and identified 10 disruptive stock plays for the audience. His second presentation covered two short-term trading strategies. Green also gave attendees early access to his updated book, The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio, including a book signing.

Marc Lichtenfeld is the Chief Income Strategist at The Oxford Club and Editor for Wealthy Retirement. His main area of expertise is dividends, and he encouraged the audience to read his book Get Rich With Dividends: A Proven System for Double-Digit Returns. His first presentation gave “dividend disrupters” for income growth opportunities. On the third day of the conference, Lichtenfeld talked about microcap biotech stocks.

Bryan Bottarelli shared the stage with his friend Karim, who is mentioned below. Bottarelli is the Head Trade Tactician for Monument Traders Alliance (MTA) and Editor of Trade of the Day.

Karim Rahemtulla is MTA’s Head Fundamental Tactician and a contributor to Trade of the Day.

The two first presented on “stockflation,” a term to describe the inflation of the stock market. They talked about what it is, the evidence it is occurring and what actions attendees can take to protect their portfolios. Bottarelli and Rahemtulla presented again the second day, this time on trading strategies they plan to use in their highly rated service The War Room.

Matthew Carr also spoke on the first day of the conference. Carr is the Chief Trends Strategist at The Oxford Club and Editor of Profit Trends. He gave attendees four disruptive stock picks he thinks will have triple-digit growth in 2021. Unfortunately, Carr was unable to be at the Investment U Conference in person.

David Fessler spoke on the second day of the conference. He’s the Engineering Strategist at The Oxford Club and a contributor to Profit Trends. He gave attendees five energy disruption stock plays for 2021. Unfortunately, Fessler was also unable to be at the Investment U Conference in person.

Nicholas Vardy is the Quantitative Strategist at The Oxford Club and a contributor to Liberty Through Wealth. He presented on the final day of the conference. Vardy focused on disruptive technologies of today and important lessons investors should learn. Unfortunately, Vardy was unable to leave London to be at the Investment U Conference in person.

Other speakers who talked about investing include…

The Investment U Conference 2021 also hosted debates and Q&A sessions with some of these investing experts. They shared insight on subjects such as Bitcoin, gold, and disruptive stocks and technologies.

To receive valuable insight from some of these top investing experts, make sure you sign up for our free Investment U e-letter. You’ll receive tips and research right in your inbox. To learn more about the Investment U Conference, read on to learn how The Oxford Club uses the conference to bring awareness to places that need our help.

Donations to Charity: The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic

The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is located in Nicaragua. As the only organization in the region with an emergency SUV, it provides free and affordable healthcare, supplies, and wellness programs.

Founded in 2003, the clinic opened its doors in 2004 and served 670 patients in its first year. That number grew to 7,880 in 2005. In 2019, the clinic attended to almost 25,000 patients and provided services to an additional 60,000.

Investing expert Loue Basenese recently joined the clinic’s board. At the conference, he quoted Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Basenese then gave the audience the chance of a lifetime. If a conference attendee made a $1,000 donation to the clinic, he would give them lifetime access to his microcap stock research service in addition to the 10 stock picks he gave attendees.

Member Testimonial

The Investment U Conference is an event you don’t want to miss. How could you pass up on some of the best investment opportunities, strategies and advice from proven experts? These people didn’t. Here’s what some other attendees had to say…

This is the first IU conference I have attended virtually. I wish we could have attended personally, and I’m glad that it was available via livestream. Overall, I think the conference is very good and everything on the schedule was as expected and right on time. There is a good mix of opinions and topics. The speakers as a whole covered most areas of the market and gave their opinions. I really liked the idea of not only addressing portfolios and favorites but also delving into health and longevity of life… I also loved that some of the speakers threw in personal stories and made me feel like I was a Member whom The Oxford Club cares about! It’s not just about money but also about being the best you can be. I don’t really have any suggestions to make at this time, but this was well above what I expected.

Superb. The production quality, the pacing, the variety, the speakers, the relaxed and interactive manner of the speakers, and the broadening of the perspective beyond just finance.

It was very well-run. I liked the flow. I liked the variety of topics and speakers. It gave me many things to think about pertaining to not only investing but life as well. The variety of topics, speakers and personalities made the time fly. It did not seem hard to spend three days watching and listening. Great job to all involved!

Overall the program was excellent. With the livestream it was very economical if you can’t afford to attend live, but also very easy to follow at home or online at a different location because you can pause and follow along at whatever pace you want to.

Interested in Joining Us in 2022?

The Investment U Conference 2022 will be held in San Diego, California. To make sure you don’t miss your chance to sign up, type your email into the box below. You’ll receive our free daily e-letter for Investment U that offers research and insight from investing experts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor, there’s something for everyone here at Investment U.

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