The market’s historic bounce off the March 23 bottom has gone on longer and driven share prices higher than most investors expected.

(But not us. I issued a Portfolio Update to my Oxford Communiqué subscribers on March 24 with the headline “It’s Time to Load Up Again.”)

Indeed, the Nasdaq hit a new high for the year last week.

This has left many economists, analysts and other financial “experts” scratching their heads, insisting that the rebound makes no sense.


The stock market reflects the best estimates of millions of rational, self-interested investors about what lies ahead for the economy and corporate profits.

The real problem is that these so-called experts don’t know what they don’t know.

Chief among these is economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.

As I’ve told readers for years, he is “the ultimate contrarian indicator.”

And Krugman has served us well, reliably boosting our investment returns since we treat his predictions and prescriptions as if they are stupendously wrong.

As they generally are:

Wrong. Every. Single. Time.

With the advent of the coronavirus and the ensuing government economic lockdown, however, his wish finally came true.

The stock market crashed. Businesses shut down. And as investors looked around for some positive signal, some sign of hope, he dumped ice water on them.

Although the severity of the economic contraction was already obvious to everyone, Krugman piled on the negativity in his late March and early April columns:

To Krugman’s astonishment – and the delight of investors like us who used the sell-off to buy beaten down stocks – a rapid, V-shaped recovery is exactly what the market is pricing in.

Is the New York Times columnist embarrassed, ashamed, apologetic?

Hardly. This is a man who refers to himself – as Monty Python surely would – as “Krugtron the Invincible.”

“Whenever you consider the economic implications of stock prices,” he wrote as the market soared in defiance of his predictions, “you want to remember three rules: First, the stock market is not the economy. Second, the stock market is not the economy. Third, the stock market is not the economy.”

That’s right, Paul.

The stock market is not the economy. It’s a leading indicator that reveals not what the economy is doing now but what it is likely to do six or nine months out.

And what the market is saying loud and clear is that Krugman’s abject pessimism about the recovery ahead is unwarranted.

Investors have picked up on a few key points that crossed Krugman’s head at 30,000 feet:

A couple years from now we will all look back at this pandemic and say, “That was terrible. Let’s be grateful it’s behind us now.”

In short, investors understand that while we are experiencing the greatest spike in joblessness in history and the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression, the worst economic news is now behind us. Not ahead of us.

When Paul Krugman finally recognizes this and turns bullish, it may be time to take profits.

I’ll keep you posted.

Good investing,
