The markets can turn on a dime.

And they can do so in an irrational and chaotic manner.

Since February 12, we’ve witnessed this unfold.

It feels like almost every trading session has brought at least a 2.5% move up or down.

And then, last week, this rose to a historic crescendo.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered its largest single-day point drop ever and its biggest percentage decline since 1987.

Now blue chips aren’t merely at 52-week lows. They’re at levels not seen since July 2017.

Chart- DOW Stock

Years of all-time highs have instantly been erased, with some sectors falling to prices not seen in decades.

But there was a beacon of light during the storm: gold.

The yellow metal’s price rose to its highest level since 2013. And my guest today, Rich Checkan, COO and president of Asset Strategies International, believes this golden run is far from over.

Late last year, Rich and I talked about our outlooks for the market and gold in 2020. And he’s been dead-on with his forecast.

That’s why I was glad he agreed to share his insights with Profit Trends readers.

In today’s Biz Now!, Rich explains how gold has performed in previous times of volatility… such as the Ebola, SARS and Zika outbreaks. These periods were most like our current COVID-19 pandemic.

He shares how much exposure investors should have to gold as portfolio insurance. And we talk about why owning physical gold is a better route for asset protection than owning shares of an exchange-traded fund.

Most importantly – and I can’t stress this enough – Rich explains how he knew this run-up in gold was coming, even though he didn’t know that COVID-19 was going to be the catalyst. And he talks about how much higher the precious metal is poised to go.

In today’s volatile markets, this is an interview every investor needs to watch… particularly if they’re looking for some insurance from any dip lower.

Learn more about wealth protection with precious metals by visiting today. You can also contact Rich and his team by calling 1.800.831.0007 or emailing

Here’s to high returns,
