In this Oxford Club review, we’ll look at the independent financial research publisher. It’s comprised of a private network of investors, entrepreneurs and like-minded individuals. It has readers around the world and is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland.

With the goal to help its’ members achieve a “rich life,” The Oxford Club offers three financial research newsletters, along with 12 investment trading services. These have different styles and strategies for a wide range of investors.

As the educational arm of the Oxford Club, Investment U, strives to create free resources for financial literacy. It’s important to note this connection and we review many investment services and platforms. Our goal is to provide the most useful ideas, no matter where they come from. We’ve also included some Oxford Club reviews from members below.

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Oxford Club Review

What are the Benefits of The Oxford Club?

The Oxford Club will afford you many opportunities to build and protect your wealth, in all its forms. It provides time-tested Pillars of Wealth. And these help readers reach their financial goals, no matter where the market heads next. The Oxford Club’s investing philosophy is backed by award-winning track records.

Oxford Club members also gain access to a network of vetted and trusted experts. They serve the financial and travel needs of some of the world’s wealthiest people.

On top of that, members can attend conferences and seminars. At these events, you can find unique global investment opportunities. You can also network with other members while traveling to destinations across the globe.

These are just a few of the great benefits and with this Oxford Club review, you’ll see there’s more to consider…

What Do You Receive as an Oxford Club Member?

There are different subscriber and membership levels. Although, with any of the entry level monthly newsletters, you receive all of the benefits noted above. You’ll also receive consistent updates on published research, travel service discounts, free vacation locations and many other discounts.

Who is the Oxford Club For?

With our Oxford Club review, we found it may not be for everyone. However, it provides many resources and tools that both novice and senior investors can benefit from. Much of which depends on the commitment of the investor, as no advice is good if you do not act on it consistently.

The Oxford Club also offers free research and e-letters. These investment newsletters can help you learn more about investing.

What You Should Know?

As publishers, The Oxford Club is regulated by the FTC. Financial newsletters are exempt from some SEC regulation because the information goes out to a general audience on a regular basis. Financial publishers are unable to provide one-on-one or individualized advice.

What Are People Saying About The Oxford Club?

Here are some reviews of The Oxford Club via Google…

I cannot recommend the overall philosophy of the Oxford Club highly enough. Their Oxford Wealth Pyramid, risk-based Allocation Tool (none of that “100 – your age = your bond allocation” nonsense), and newsletters/portfolios combine to take 100% of the emotion out of my self-directed investment strategy. Mind you, in order to access this treasure trove of information, I became a Chairman’s Circle lifetime member, but when scaled over the lifetime of my investments — and the peace of mind I have now — that’s practically FREE! – James C.

I’m a new investor and The Oxford Club has been an important and great source of information to be able to make informed decisions for my investments. The support provided and the prompt responses to questions, makes it a valuable resource. I found them through a book I read. I recommend it!. – Gustavo G.

I am totally impressed by the Oxford Club. I just joined recently and emailed a question about income investing. I got a reply/answer the next day. Gives me a good personal feeling. Also, from what I have read and experienced so far, I feel I can trust their recommendations. – Doug F.

This Financial Club is not for everyone. But since joining my net worth has increased because the education from the institution has made me a much better investor. – Louis T.

As the time of writing this review, there are close to 600 Google reviews with an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars. You can find more of them by searching “Oxford Club Baltimore” on Google.

How Can I Get Started?

If you are interested in learning more about The Oxford Club subscriptions and membership levels, you can reach out directly with the Oxford Club’s contact page.

To finish up this Oxford Club review, here’s one of the free e-letters… You can sign up for Liberty Through Wealth below. It’s one of the Oxford Club’s top free e-letters. You’ll hear directly from Alexander Green, a bestselling author. He’s also worked as an investment advisor, research analyst and portfolio manager on Wall Street for 16 years.