Everyone loves payday. Waking up to a direct deposit in your bank account is a good feeling! But to make that direct deposit happen, employers need to go through the complex task of running payroll. It isn’t just about cutting checks, either—it’s about managing records of wages, deductions and net pay for all workers and employees.

Of the many financial operations of a company, payroll is one of the most nuanced and complicated. It only gets more complex the more workers you bring on or the more locations a business operates in. Moreover, the accuracy of this accounting practice plays a major part in the financial transparency of a company’s fiscal reporting. All this is to say that payroll—like any accounting task—is paramount to get right. 

Time to check the payroll

The Chief Components of Payroll

Much of the payroll process happens behind the scenes, automated by software or outsourced to an accountant. For example, there’s a substantial number of moving parts, including:

All this information factors into several key end results. Employees get a paycheck. Tax authorities gain revenue. Governments gain employment verification information. Companies disburse cash and fund retirement plans. Payroll is an essential cog that keeps the company churning along month after month.

Understanding Gross Pay vs. Net Pay

Through payroll, an employee’s gross pay becomes their net pay. Specifically, it’s the amount they see on their paycheck. The difference between the two is everything withheld or deducted during the process: taxes, contributions, premiums, etc. 

For example, an employee might accept a job that makes $80,000 annually. However, if taxes amount to $15,000, that employee’s take-home is $65,000. This might drop even further to $50,000 if that employee also contributes $15,000 to their 401k each year. To calculate (run) payroll, employers follow a simple formula: 

Net Pay = Gross Pay –Taxes, Withholdings and Deductions

In general, gross pay vs. net pay is an important concept for employers to keep in mind. And it’s something prospective hires will negotiate on. In fact, a firm grasp on payroll helps both sides better-understand the position. 

Payroll for Employees vs. Contractors

Many businesses employ a mix of hired employees and contracted staff. As a result, payroll operations are different for these two groups.

Payroll can become very tricky as staff diversifies. Companies working with out-of-state contractors or that have international employees face a much more rigorous process, to ensure the final payment amount is an accurate one—and that taxes are handled appropriately. 

How to Process Payroll

There are three options for processing paychecks and income taxes each month. And each comes with pros and cons. The best option depends on the size of the business, the complexity of its payroll operations and cost considerations. 

Many businesses also opt for hybrid solutions, which allow them to use software to automate while a third-party accountant executes payroll actions. 

Why is Payroll so Important?

Payroll doesn’t just keep people paid on time—it also keeps businesses out of tax trouble. In fact, it represents a record of employment and fair wage disbursement. Moreover, it also serves numerous other purposes.

Without payroll operations, businesses wouldn’t be able to pay taxes, pay employees, contribute to retirement plans or healthcare premiums. Specifically, every paycheck represents the culmination of a business’ accounting due diligence.

Payroll is a Critical Business Function

On the surface, payroll is important for getting checks out to employees on-time and in-full. Behind the scenes, it’s also about maintaining transparent records for the purpose of company tax and bookkeeping. Ensuring accurate tax withholdings, retirement contributions and more all factor into paying workers the right wages and keeping the business tax compliant. 

To say payroll is a critical business function is an understatement! However, you can learn more about financial reporting with Investment U. Sign up for the Investment U e-letter below to receive daily investing tips and financial insights!