The best platinum mining stocks can enhance your portfolio. In general, commodities have become an investment staple for seasoned investors. And platinum is making headlines for its burgeoning role in the green economy. Moreover, some of the largest producers of platinum are publicly traded on the stock market. Let’s take a closer look at these potential investment opportunities below.

Anglo American is one of the best platinum mining stocks

Top 3 Platinum Mining Stocks to Consider

Mining companies, like most of the world, took a massive hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the vaccine rollout has picked up more quickly than expected. And mining production is now back to its normal levels.

But why has platinum become such a hot commodity, like gold and silver? It’s due to the European Union’s (EU) goal to achieve carbon neutrality and zero pollution by 2050 with “green” hydrogen.

This is great news for platinum mining stocks. This is because platinum plays a vital role as a catalyst in the production of green hydrogen power.

The goal of “green” hydrogen is to eliminate emissions by using renewable sources during production instead of fossil fuels. Right now, less than 1% of the world’s entire hydrogen supply is green.

As you can see, this is a major concern, and the European Union is making an $11 trillion commitment to a new, green economy. This is sparking new interest in platinum from investors due to its role in the process. So what are the best platinum mining stocks that you may want to consider for your portfolio?

From the leading platinum producers to a penny stock, this group covers a wide range of platinum mining investments. Unfortunately, most major platinum mining companies are available only through the OTC market or foreign exchanges.

1. Anglo American Platinum

Anglo American Platinum is the poster boy for the best platinum mining stocks you can invest in. Specifically, Anglo American is the world’s largest primary producer of platinum. It accounts for 38% of the world’s annual supply.

The company is based in South Africa and has 12 major operations facilities. Outside of platinum, the company also mines popular commodities like copper, gold and nickel.

Anglo American Platinum stock trades on the OTC market for around $20. But it’s been as high as $28.66 in recent months. It’s also available on Africa’s largest stock market, the JSE Limited (JSE).

2. Impala Platinum Holdings Limited

Impala Platinum Holdings Limited is another South African mining company. It has six operations and more than 50,000 employees. Its goal is to become the world’s best platinum-group metals (PGM) producer.

Its largest and most prominent operation is the Impala Mine, which has estimated reserves of 68.9 million ounces of platinum. That represents one of the largest reserves in the country. And it easily makes Impala Platinum Holdings Limited one of the best platinum mining stocks you can buy.

The company currently trades on the OTC market for less than $20. It’s also available on the JSE Limited and the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

3. Platinum Group Metals Limited

Platinum Group Metals Limited is the only platinum mining stock on this list that publicly trades on an American exchange. It’s a Canadian company with projects in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa.

This is important because the Bushveld Complex contains some of the richest ore deposits on Earth. And it’s home to the world’s largest reserves of platinum-group metals.

Platinum Group Metals Limited trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for around $2. That makes it a great entry point for more novice investors who are looking to invest in platinum.

Investing in Platinum Mining Stocks

Commodities are an extremely popular investment. And mining companies have surely benefited from this trend.

Platinum is set to thrive due to the European Union’s latest push for a green economy. Therefore, you may want to consider the best platinum mining stocks before they take off. You might also be interested in these top nickel stocks or these top uranium stocks. There are some big trends pushing commodities higher.