Salesforce stock is trending in the right direction as one of the world’s leaders in customer relationship management. In addition, a major overhaul of the Dow Jones Industrial Average may be the key to this shift.

The cloud-based software company is certainly on the rise. And recent earnings reports suggest there’s no signs of it slowing down. But, how far can this blue-chip stock go with Dow’s exposure?

Salesforce stock is on the rise

Salesforce Stock Breakdown and History

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) has somehow flown under the radar for quite some time, but it hasn’t always been that way. The company’s initial public offering (IPO) came in 2004 and the stock has, for the most part, steadily risen ever since.

Salesforce stock was originally offered at $11 after an initial range was set between $7.50 and $8.50 in 2004. On its first day of trading, it was up 40% and trading above $15.

This was an immediate sign of great things to come for the San Francisco-based company. And just five years later, in 2009, it became the first cloud computing company to reach $1 billion in annual revenues.

This is when CRM stock really began hitting its stride. It was trading below $20 a share at the time. However, the climb commenced and it was well over $50 a share in 2013. As each year passed, Salesforce continued to break revenue records within its industry and the stock price always responded.

By 2019, Salesforce reported revenue of $3.28 billion. That’s an increase of 26% year-over-year. And the share price skyrocketed through it all. Salesforce stock is now trading over $200 a share and the recent reports suggest a major shakeup in the market.

Salesforce CRM Stock News

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is making waves and all signs point to the disruption caused by Apple’s stock split. The Dow has now balanced out by announcing the removal of ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM), Pfizer (NYSEE: PFE) and Raytheon (NYSE: RTX). In their place, the Dow has added Salesforce, along with Amgen (Nasdaq: AMGN) and Honeywell International (NYSE: HON).

This is huge news for Salesforce stock. And another earnings report has the company positioned to take off in the market.

The changes to the Dow Index go into effect on August 31st. So, you can expect CRM stock to reap the benefits before and after it becomes official.

This isn’t a simple report that deserves a “pat on the back.” It’s a major breakthrough for a company that has taken control of its own destiny.

The Dow is in place to measure the strength or weakness of the entire stock market in America. And now Salesforce stock is a key player in the index.

Only time will tell how much this can help or hurt the company. But all signs are pointing up as long as revenue reports continue to impress.

Investing in Salesforce

Cloud computing platforms and its connection to providing customer relationship management is the new wave of technology to reinvent the American workplace. And Salesforce is leading the charge.

For more information about the latest stock trends and news, sign up for the Investment U e-letter below. The team of experts at Investment U provide valuable insights with decades of experience on Wall Street.

The next big investment opportunity can make all the difference in the power of your portfolio. Keep a close watch on Salesforce stock going forward as the company continues to reach new heights.

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