Curious about the small cap outlook in 2021? You’re not alone. Many small cap investors are looking ahead in 2021 to determine what this segment of the stock market will return to shareholders. Will it be a strong year for the smallest stocks on Wall Street? Or will the little guys lag behind bellwethers and blue chips

To understand the trajectory of the small cap market, it’s important to look at a few variables. First, how did small caps fare in 2020 – the most tumultuous year for the market since the Great Recession? Next, what factors will govern the stock market at large, and how will they affect small companies? Finally, what evidence is there that can be used to predict small cap performance in the coming months?

Researching all these topics is time-intensive for investors. That’s why we’ve compiled everything you need to know about the small cap market in 2021 right here. Get a consolidated version of the small cap outlook for the year ahead. 

Small cap outlook in 2021 is great

Looking Back at Small Cap Performance in 2020

2020 may have been a volatile year for the stock market, but it was also a good one. Despite a major nosedive in March and April, the market saw a sustained, healthy recovery through the end of the year. All told, investors saw returns of 16.5%, according to the S&P 500 index. Small cap investors did even better. The Russell 2000 small cap index returned a whopping 20% to investors. This was significantly higher than mid caps, which yielded a 13.7% return. 

The strong performance of small caps in 2020 is even more enticing given the strong gains made in December, which have continued into 2021. The strong uptick of small cap stocks in the early part of the year signals trust from investors as the bull market rages on. 

A Positive Outlook for Small Caps in 2021

Small caps stand to benefit from investor confidence. It’s recognized that large cap and megacap companies are generally overvalued. While investors still have confidence in the market, they’re looking to small caps for more accessible, value-driven investments. As a result, these companies have seen strong support – especially in hot markets like healthcare, finance and real estate. Investors are looking for the next big company and spreading the wealth to small caps that are poised to grow. The rise of small caps could be in its early stages. 

Even in the event of market headwinds, the relative valuation (or undervalued nature) of small caps bodes well. Overvalued large cap companies have further to fall back to affordability. While unanticipated economic turmoil would disrupt the market as a whole, small caps are better positioned to weather uncertainties. 

Sectors Driving Small Cap Success

There are more drivers behind small cap success than investor sentiment. Many small cap companies have come into success in their own right, thanks to some key opportunities presented by the pandemic:

These factors and others will be key drivers of small cap stocks in 2021. In the current climate, there’s no reason to suggest that small caps will deviate from their current upward trajectory. That said, lots of activity surrounding small caps could pave the way for problems. 

The Case Against Small Caps

The biggest argument against small cap success in 2021 is overexposure. Heavy influx of investment into small cap companies could quickly create a bubble that overinflates the market. As investors push up the value of companies beyond a reasonable P/E level, they actually begin to devalue these stocks. As quickly as they run up, these stocks could plummet due to profit-taking or fear. Overzealous investors eager to catch the next rocket to the moon could send the small cap market crashing down if they don’t temper their expectations. 

Small Caps Will Outperform in 2021

When you add up all the factors listed above, it becomes clear that small caps are in for a big year. Major analysts agree. Market tailwinds favor smaller companies, and the way ahead appears free from obstructions. Of course, there’s no telling what the year will bring. The good news is that small caps are in a strong place and can adapt to market uncertainty – they proved that in 2020. 

To stay up to date with the small cap outlook for 2021, sign up for the Liberty Through Wealth e-letter below. It’s important to do your research and find new ways to expand your portfolio and built wealth in the process.

If you’re a small cap-focused investor or have an interest in diversifying through small caps, now’s a great time to consider your portfolio. Small caps will surge in 2021, and many are already showing signs of a strong, sustainable run-up.

Read Next: Small Cap Stocks to Buy and Hold

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