Earning free money sounds great, right? What if you could make money every week next year just for holding certain stocks. It’s possible to build a portfolio of stocks that pay weekly dividends, and I’m going to show you how.

Investing in dividend stocks is easily one of the best ways to build wealth. But, earning dividends every week can really accelerate your growth while giving you something to look forward to each week.

Although this may be true, there aren’t too many options for earning weekly dividends. With this in mind, I’ve done the research to find ways of achieving this. There are several options when it comes to monthly dividends, and adding a few quarterly options can help fill the gaps.

In that case, here’s how you can build a portfolio of stocks that pay weekly dividends in 2022.

Stocks that pay weekly dividends.

Is It Possible to Invest in Stocks That Pay Weekly Dividends

There are absolutely ways you can earn income every week by investing in the right stocks. Creating a passive income stream is easy with the right tools. At the same time, unless you know where to look, the information can be hard to come by.

Dividends are an incredibly powerful tool when reinvested over time. In particular, the compounding process allows you to build wealth over time while growing your positions.

After the past year in the stock market, dividends are being put on the back burner while investors are looking for the next big thing. But dividends are the tried-and-true way of growing your wealth over time. In fact, a study from Hartford Funds shows 84% of the total returns from the S&P 500 Index since 1970 are thanks to reinvested dividends.

How to Build a Portfolio of Stocks That Pay Weekly Dividends

Okay, now to the fun part. You can go about building your weekly dividend portfolio in several ways. But, to save you time and effort, I’ve created an example for you.

The portfolio consists of monthly and quarterly dividend stocks that pay out regularly to shareholders. Not only that, but these are some of the top assets with promising growth potential. With this in mind, here are the stocks that pay weekly dividends, including dividend yield and payout frequency.

That’s it. By investing in the six stocks above, you can earn a payout every week next year. Although there may be some overlap or missed weeks depending on dates that have yet to be announced, the regular income is what matters.

The expected dividends are pulled from the Nasdaq.com dividend calendar and are based on their payout dates.

Model Calendar

If you are looking to boost your earnings potential next year with stocks that pay weekly dividends, this strategy may suit you. You can watch your portfolio grow over time by earning regular income every week.

As an illustration, here’s how the payout schedule will look for the first quarter.




Keep reading for more info on stocks that pay weekly dividends. 

Benefits of Earning Weekly Income from Dividend Stocks

Let’s face it. Dividend stocks are not always the most exciting investments to hold onto. You will not see the huge daily returns you may get with growth stocks. But, over time, these dividends will add up to something incredible.

Long-term growth is what investing is all about. Sure, it’s fun seeing your daily profits explode with exciting new companies. Yet, reinvesting dividends will likely build more wealth in the long run.

The stock market goes through cycles. We are seeing it right now as macroeconomic factors are changing again. Many of the trending stocks from the pandemic are now down over 50% this year without even paying a dividend.

Think of it this way. If you own the basket of stocks above, you’ll earn $2.33 in dividends in the first quarter. Then, if you reinvest the dividends, it will increase your ownership and multiply your earnings.

By investing in stocks that pay weekly dividends, instead of owning one share of Microsoft, by the end of the year your you’ll earn another fraction of a share. This may not seem like much, but it can lead to significant returns when you give this process time to develop.

Not only that, but you will also own some of the top companies that have an established history of rewarding shareholders.

Is Investing in Stocks That Pay Weekly Dividends Right for You

Earning a return every week from stocks that pay weekly dividends can show you how easy it is to build wealth over time. As I have shown, the secret is giving the process enough time to compound and earn substantial returns.

However, this is also the most difficult part. Giving your dividend stocks enough time to grow is like growing a plant. First, you start with a seed, which can be just one stock or maybe a few. Then, as you give it time, it starts to develop. And if you give it enough time, it can blossom into something incredible (a nice retirement nest egg).

If you don’t want to invest in individual stocks, there is another option. SoFi now offers a weekly dividend ETF designed for the same purpose. The fund provides a diverse selection of blue-chip stocks that pays you regularly.

But, if you decide to go this route, keep in mind the ETF has an expense ratio of 0.49%. With this in mind, the fund takes a portion to cover expenses. That said, the fee can eat into your profits over time.

At the same time, getting started investing in dividend stocks is the most important thing. The longer you give your investments time to grow, the better the results will be.