7 Types of Alternative Investments

Traders at a hedge fund. A hedge fund is one class of alternative investments.

Alternative investments are investments in asset classes that differ from traditional investment vehicles. They can generate outsize returns.

How to Invest $10,000 and Watch Your Money Grow

A happy young woman holding a piggy bank with money against a pink background - "How to Invest 10k" - Investment U

I am often asked by family, friends and colleagues what to do when they have some extra cash to invest. If you have the same question as my people do, though, I want you to start thinking about how to invest $10,000 if you were to suddenly come into that money (perhaps through inheritance, savings, bank […]

The Advantages of Investing in Farmland

Man looking to invest in farmland

Most investors think about farmland as the place where their food grows – or grazes – rather than as an asset class. That is in part because there have not been many ways to invest in farmland. Although it’s a huge missed opportunity… Farmland has outperformed almost every major asset class over the last 30 […]