Marketable Securities

marketable securities

What Are Marketable Securities? Marketable securities are a form of security or debt that can be converted or sold for cash in a year or less. Their liquidity comes from both the time they can be redeemed and their redemption rate. Their price has little to do with the rate at which they are bought […]

Credit Card Pros and Cons

credit card pros and cons

When looking at the pros and cons of credit cards, a few things stand out. If you’ve ever owned a credit card, you know it’s easy to slip into bad habits. Don’t have enough money in your account? Put it on the card. Waiting for payday? Put it on the card. Credit cards aren’t all […]

How To Pay Off Debt Fast!

We live in a culture of debt. In fact, many people will tell you that taking on large amounts of debt is completely normal. Overall household debt in the U.S. had taken a downturn for a while, but in 2013 it began to grow again and now stands at more than $13.67 trillion. Mortgages alone […]

The Second Best Way to Get Rich

Is starting a small business really the best way to get rich in America? Turns out there’s an even better (and less risky) method…