Internet of Things Stocks: How to Invest

A business woman overlooking the city at a touchscreen connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) | Investment U

Internet of Things stocks or (IOT stocks) have the power to potentially make big money as the industry grows. Additionally, the Internet of Things also has the potential to change so many facets of our lives. For example. things like the way we… cool our homes cook our dinners work out drive cars  and so […]

How to Invest $10,000 and Watch Your Money Grow

A happy young woman holding a piggy bank with money against a pink background - "How to Invest 10k" - Investment U

I am often asked by family, friends and colleagues what to do when they have some extra cash to invest. If you have the same question as my people do, though, I want you to start thinking about how to invest $10,000 if you were to suddenly come into that money (perhaps through inheritance, savings, bank […]

Potentially Unstoppable [Growing] Profits

funeral home

Death is big business. Funeral home sales today grow with the world’s aging population. And you can get a piece of the action. Here are funeral homes that you can invest in today.