How to Ignite Capital Growth in 2020 (Not Through IPOs)
Direct listings minimize risk for startup investors and help them cash out faster. But they also come with a downside. Fortunately, that may change in 2020.
Mailbag: To Short or Not to Short
In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team explains whether it recommends shorting U.S. stocks and what happens to your shares when a startup gets bought out.
The Five Metrics Startup Investors Are Most Likely to Get Wrong
Early investors have few metrics to go by when evaluating potential startup investments. Here are five metrics, in particular, that investors often misconstrue.
The Five Future Disruptions I’m Already Grateful For
It’s almost Thanksgiving, so here are five future disruptive technologies that Andy Gordon is already thankful for.
Mailbag: Commit or Go Home
In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team addresses pot stocks and startup investing commitments.
Quantum Computing Is (Almost) Here
No industry is safe from disruption. Including computers. Quantum computing is the next big disruption… and it may be closer than you think.
Why Truly Groundbreaking Startups Are the Hardest to Invest In
Startups that challenge conventional thinking and go on to succeed are often the most profitable investments. But to take the plunge and invest in a truly crazy-sounding idea is one of the hardest things a startup investor can do.