Is Disney a “Buy” Right Now?

disney stock

It’s a whole new world out there… I never thought we’d see a global pandemic of this scale. And for a while, I couldn’t see the light either. But it’s the circle of life. Stocks rise and fall. Markets crash and are reborn. And sometimes – amid all the panic – investors are able to […]

Oil Demand Is Returning, but Prices Are Still Too Low

For the last several months, world oil markets have taken it on the chin. There’s been too much production and unprecedented coronavirus-led demand destruction. Global storage capacity is also nearly full. But the hurt is just getting started… Price Update In the exploration and production (E&P) space, cash flow is king. If an E&P company […]

Five Gaming Stocks To Watch

The video game industry’s historic March is only the beginning of a trend that will last long after the pandemic is over.