Every investor knows that regardless of how much money you make, the Tax Man will take his share. There’s simply no getting around taxes. There are, however, ways to either defer or reduce taxes. It’s only possible through tax-advantaged accounts. These are investment accounts that allow you to reduce taxes on your income. For example, a traditional IRA is tax-deferred, and a Roth IRA is tax-exempt.

There’s a smattering of different options when it comes to tthese accounts. Each comes with its own stipulations and criteria, and some are more accessible to investors than others. Here’s a rundown of what it means to invest through a tax-advantaged account and how some of the most common of these accounts work. 

Learn more about tax-advantaged accounts

What Does “Tax-Advantaged” Mean?

First, a primer on what it means to have a “tax-advantaged” account. This is a broad term that applies to any type of account that reduces your tax burden. It can include:

The more of these investments a person has, the lower their overall tax burden. The lower the tax burden, the less taxes you owe. This is the fundamental principle for investing: keeping more of your wealth and allowing it to work for you. These accounts and other investments are the vehicles for this accumulation. The only question is: which vehicles are right for you?

Employer-Sponsored Retirement Accounts

A majority of investors grow their wealth through employer-sponsored retirement accounts. In addition, these accounts often come with many other perks that make them very appealing to workers. For example, a company may offer 401(k) matching up to a certain percentage of an employee’s annual salary.

Often, these accounts are funded with tax-deferred dollars. This allows employees to put away more of their income and contribute a higher principal balance. Here’s a look at the most common employer-sponsored tax-advantaged accounts:

Self-Administered Retirement Accounts

Not every employer offers retirement accounts—and not everyone works for someone else. Self-employed individuals or those without access to employer-sponsored plans have access to self-administered retirement accounts. These tax-advantaged vehicles offer many of the same benefits. Moreover, they allow investors to choose whether they prefer traditional contributions pre-tax or tax-exempt Roth contributions. 

For example, here’s a look at some of the most common and accessible retirement accounts, and how they work:

Other Types of Tax-Advantaged Accounts

In fact, retirement plans aren’t the only tax-advantaged accounts out there. There are also options for education and healthcare. And while these come with certain stipulations to guarantee their tax benefits, they’re nonetheless great vehicles for investors to capitalize on. 

Always Consider Tax Benefits When Investing

Taxes are one of the biggest detriments to investors. Moreover, they’re liable to take a chunk out of your wealth. Thankfully, there are many types of tax-advantaged accounts out there that protect wealth by deferring, reducing or eliminating taxes. Choosing the best one comes down to what’s available, what you’re saving for and how you plan to invest. 

Therefore, to learn how you can protect your investments and prepare for retirement, sign up for the Wealthy Retirement e-letter below. And in general, consider all of the above account options and make sure you’re speaking with a financial advisor to understand them in the context of your personal wealth and finances.