Time and time again, gold has followed a very specific trading pattern… a predictable pattern that makes perfect sense. It is doing it again right now and it’s the best way to invest in gold.

The data is clear. In the year leading up to a Fed rate hike, gold stays flat. Historically, it moves higher by only 1% or 2%. It’s not hard to believe… When rates are low, stocks are surging and the economy is red-hot.

But then, things get overheated and the money maestros are forced to step in. Right on cue, that’s what the Fed has done. Often, gold even dips on the news of a rate hike… just like it did when Powell nudged rates higher a couple of weeks ago.

It’s all playing out perfectly, just like the data says it should. But look at the chart… Look at what happens next.

Chart where gold has typically outperformed first rate hike of fed tightening cycle

More on the Best Way to Invest in Gold

Six months out, gold surges higher, much higher. A year out, it’s still outpacing stocks and inflation. During the last tightening cycle, led by Janet Yellen, gold surged higher by 25%. Before that, Bernanke tightened rates and pushed gold 60% higher.

But remember, this is no ordinary inflation the Fed is fighting these days. This is the fastest we’ve seen prices rise in more than 40 years. That means we need to go all the way back to the rate hikes in the 1970s for a fair comparison. And, oh boy, is there good news for gold investors.

During that rate hike cycle, gold soared an incredible 285%… while virtually everything else was losing value.

Again, that’s a 25% gain in 2 1/2 years for an anemic, half-hearted set of rate hikes… 60% in less than two years for a more robust set of hikes… and a whopping 285% surge over four years during the cycle that best matches the craziness we’re hearing from the Fed today. Owning gold right now is a no-brainer. But like I said, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it.

Pay Attention Here…

Most folks don’t know this opportunity even exists… or that, get this, you can even earn a dividend by owning gold this way. Most folks are stuck in what I call the “old world” of gold investing. They buy a chunk of gold and hold on to it, expecting it to someday soar in value. They never sell it. And, they never cash in on its rising price. Or, worse, they sell at the absolute worst time.

Thankfully, there’s finally a solution… It’s perfect. And ingenious. You see, I recently found a rather secret way to own gold. It allows you to quietly own gold, tap into its rising value… and get paid to do it. You’ve got to try it. It’s like “PayPal for gold.”

Nobody but you will know that you aren’t spending increasingly worthless dollars each time you swipe your card. You’ll be spending gold. They won’t know that you’re actually making money as the dollar loses value. And they won’t know that you’ve quietly opted out of the traditional, shaky system.

In other words, while everybody else’s purchasing power is plunging… you’re getting richer by the day thanks to gold’s unprecedented ability to hold its value… and this special, and extremely rare, opportunity to earn a yield on the gold you own. Call an Uber… Pay for it in gold.

Buy groceries… Use gold. Just got paid? Immediately convert those dollars that are losing value into gold that is gaining value. Thanks to the technology I’ve recently uncovered, gold has become yield-producing money once again. It’s the ultimate armor against rising prices and growing troubles in today’s economy.

That’s why I’ve recently created a brand-new guide called…

“Owning Gold in the Digital Age: Use New Technology to Keep What’s Yours.”

It contains all the details on this must-have technology… plus a whole lot more.
Owning Gold in the Digital Age: Use New Technology to Keep What’s Yours report

This full-length manual outlines a precise plan for owning and profiting from gold. You’ll discover…

The gold-as-a-currency technology I’ve just discovered is an absolute must-have. The timing has never been better.

What’s more, “Owning Gold in the Digital Age: How to Use Technology to Keep What’s Yours” will reveal to you the most common mistakes gold investors make and how to avoid them.

Plus, my team and I just published several other reports on gold that contain information available nowhere else. Together, they create a critical road map to help wary Americans navigate what lies ahead. “The Golden IRA” is just what its name implies.

The IRS has recently gone after folks who are investing in gold the “wrong” way. It cost one family nearly their entire life savings. Don’t let that be you. Don’t make those same mistakes. This report tells you everything you need to know to use gold to build a rock-solid retirement.

Another valuable report is called… “Gold Royalties: The Smart Investor’s Guide to Gold Mining Profits.” This one details a favorite way to profit from wildcat gold miners… without all the risk of owning a tiny gold miner.

And “Tiny Mines, Huge Potential: The 3 Microcap Miners Sitting on a Billion-Dollar Payday” is just what it sounds like – three tiny stocks that have the potential to pay off big.

The Best Way to Invest in Gold – Continued…

Fact is, like all investing, there is risk, and you never want to invest more than you can afford to lose… but gold can be more than portfolio insurance.

History tells us that in times like this… it can be a true moneymaker that outpaces nearly every other asset.

→ But like most things, it all depends on how you invest and what you do with your gold after you own it. Claim your detailed reports.

This invaluable series of guides lays out a simple game plan – right down to specific investments and systems you must have in place – to slash your risk, double your potential gains and secretly use gold to preserve your buying power.

I’d like to send you all of these reports today. They are incredibly important at a time like this. They could mean the difference between financial success… and utter failure. It really is that important. That’s why I’m doing something huge.

I’m offering all of this material to anybody who asks for it today. I’d like to email it all to you right away. All I ask is that you give Manward Letter a try. I think you’re really going to like this. It’s the heartbeat of everything that we do.

Manward Letter Details

Manward Letter is a monthly publication unlike anything else you’ve ever read. That’s because it focuses on revealing the truth… the truth about money and how to make gobs of it…

And economic truths that the mainstream media refuses to tell you about. You’ll join Joel Salatin, Alpesh Patel and me… plus 30,000 proud contrarians who understand there’s a lot more going on than is being reported…

And that some of the best opportunities, like what we’re seeing in gold right now, go wholly unreported. With each monthly issue of Manward Letter, my team and I flip the script… showing readers how just a bit of knowledge can lead to tremendous opportunity.

Just look at what I’ve written about in recent months:

A Gold Surge is Coming

If you’re looking for the best way to invest in gold (we have an oversized allocation to it in our model portfolio) and, like me, you believe the stars are aligned for a big surge forward, you can bet you’ll like each jam-packed issue of Manward Letter.

And don’t think I’m the only expert you’ll hear from each month. I’ve assembled the very best team of thinkers. The first time I shook hands with Joel Salatin, I knew I needed to get him to write for us. It took more than a year, but I did it.

He calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. I’d add “genius” to the list. Some say he’s the most eclectic thinker from Virginia… since Thomas Jefferson.

The author of more than a dozen books, Joel has been featured in The New York TimesThe Washington PostThe Guardian… he’s been on Joe Rogan’s podcast, he was featured in the hit movie Food, Inc., and he was the center of the bestselling book The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

His essays on life, liberty and the pursuit of government-free happiness are the cornerstone of each monthly issue of Manward Letter. You’ll also hear from an absolute investing legend… Alpesh Patel.

He recently became an Officer of the Order of the British Empire thanks to his service to the nation’s economy. He’s written 18 books, hosted a show on Bloomberg, penned a popular column for the Financial Times and even won a prestigious investing contest.

He is absolutely the best of the best when it comes to understanding the inner workings of the global economy and what they mean for investors. And yet the only place to find his work in America… is through Manward.

So how much does a Manward Letter subscription cost?

The normal price for first-year subscribers is $249. It’s a good deal. And people are happy to pay it. But you won’t pay $249 today. Not even close. I believe what’s happening in the economy right now is frightening… and that the power of gold can help folks rise above it all and actually profit as the markets falter.

That’s why everyone deserves a fair and immediate hot at the gains ahead. Price should be no barrier. And profit should not be my concern. That’s why I’m slashing the price by more than HALF… In fact, it’s way more than half. Normally, we charge $249 for a year of Manward Letter.

But nobody will pay that today. In fact, I’m offering you access to these gold reports and a 12-month subscription at the absolute lowest price we’ve ever offered. It’s not $99… it’s not $79… and it’s not even $49.

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Right now, you can subscribe to Manward Letter and get our best-ever pricing: just $39 for a full year.

And if even that’s not good enough, let me make this an absolute no-brainer. If you join us today, I’ll make this a no-risk offer. If for any reason you decide over the next 365 days, that’s right, a full year, that Manward Letter is not right for you, simply call us. You’ll receive a full, prompt refund of your subscription cost.

But I’m confident that won’t happen. I’m so confident, in fact, that I’ll let you keep everything you’ve received, including all the reports mentioned above, even if you cancel.

Look… gold is expected to surge with or without you. I’m in. History proves it’s a winning strategy and the best way to invest in gold. While markets falter, it could be the lifesaver you’ve been praying for. But like all things… there’s a right way to own gold and a wrong way.

You must own gold the right way. The reports I’ll send you today outline everything you need to know. Don’t miss this special, limited-time offer.

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