The market for 5G services is expected to grow 1,070% by 2025. To help you get a slice of that growth, we’ve put together a list of the top 5G network stocks to watch right now.

And if you’ve only heard about 5G’s enormous growth potential, we want to show you why it’s so groundbreaking.

5G will be the fifth generation of wireless technology, but it will be a much larger improvement over 4G than 4G was over 3G.

Each generation so far has added a new component to wireless communication. The first generation was the birth of the wireless phone, the second introduced SMS messaging and with 3G came internet browsing capability.

4G allowed browsing at faster speeds to facilitate streaming. And now 5G technology is expected to be 100 times faster than current networks.

That means 5G is powerful enough to disrupt entire sectors, not just cellphone connections. It will make self-driving cars possible, along with lag-free operation of medical equipment powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

And the top 5G network stocks to watch benefit from this massive influx of new products and services.

Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ) is already beginning to roll out networks in select U.S. cities, like Chicago and Houston. In fact, over the last 12 months, roughly 30 cities across the country have had 5G networks installed.

According to MarketWatch, the market for 5G services is currently worth more than $21.5 billion. But in 2025, the market will be worth $252 billion – that’s a staggering 1,070% growth.

And it means you have the chance to get in early by watching these top 5G stocks right now.

Analysts expect the top stock on this list to break out 153% in the next year alone…

Top 5G Network Stocks to Watch No. 5: Marvell Technology Group

In the No. 5 slot is Marvell Technology Group (Nasdaq: MRVL). The company makes 5G chips for mobile devices.

Marvell recently bought out Cavium, a microchip creator, for $6 billion. So it’s now a player in 5G markets such as AI, cloud, hardware and the automotive industry.

Marvell is also developing 5G base stations with Samsung Electronics (OTC: SSNLF), giving the firm a steady supply of money from one of the leading telecoms.

Marvell stock is currently selling around $23 per share, but it’s forecast to climb to $30 over the next 12 months, a gain of more than 30%.

Top 5G Network Stocks to Watch No. 4: Silicon Laboratories

Silicon Laboratories (Nasdaq: SLAB) is also a chipmaker for 5G networks. It’s active in multiple sectors, including automotive, industrial control solutions and communications. The company makes chips for cellphones, vehicle computers and more.

That gives it wide exposure to 5G’s potential to affect industries from self-driving cars to AI. It’s no surprise then that four of the top five global 5G infrastructure firms are using its products.

Currently, the shares sell at around $98. But the shares are projected to climb to $130 over the next year, an advance of 32%.

Top 5G Network Stocks to Watch No. 3: Qualcomm

In the No. 3 position is another chipmaker, Qualcomm (Nasdaq: QCOM). It makes 5G chips for leading technology firms, including Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL).

The high-speed connections brought by 5G depend on 5G chips, and Qualcomm is one of the largest chipmakers. It already supplies one of the first three trillion-dollar U.S. companies – Apple – so its future looks bright.

The shares are selling at around $70, but they are projected to climb to $115 over the next year, for a potential 71% appreciation.

Top 5G Network Stocks to Watch No. 2: Xilinx

Xilinx (Nasdaq: XLNX) is yet another 5G chipmaker.

Xilinx can customize chips to order. This allows it flexibility to fulfill different client needs. It can also power any function, from speech recognition to virtual reality.

The shares are trading now at around $107, but they are forecast to rise to $160, a whopping 50% jump in just a year.

But our top 5G stock to watch has the highest potential of all and could nearly triple your money, according to Wall Street estimates…

Top 5G Network Stocks to Watch No. 1: Skyworks Solutions

The top stock is Skyworks Solutions (Nasdaq: SWKS), which makes special chips that allow cellphones to connect with 5G wireless networks.

When 3G rolled out, Skyworks made $8 for each phone it powered. In the 4G era, the company made $18 for each phone.

Once carriers start making 5G phones, Skyworks is projected to make $25 for each phone, another 38% climb.

That’s great news, because all phones will eventually be 5G. And what’s more, 80% of iPhones carry Skyworks chips.

Shares currently trade at around $73, but they’re expected to soar as high as $173. Investors could realize profits of 150% or more in a year.

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Good investing,


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