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This week in his flagship YouTube series State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld got political…

And he revealed the tickers of four investments that are destined to help investors profit no matter who wins the upcoming election.

They all hail from the energy sector – and represent its up-and-coming cohort of clean energy stocks that promise to replace fossil fuels as renewables become increasingly inexpensive.

Regardless of your views on alternative energy, it’s clear that technology is advancing even faster than we can keep up with – and that Big Oil is suffering as a result.

Take one look at the Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLE), which favors an oil-dependent energy sector, and you’ll see what I mean…

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Oil prices have always had their ups and downs, but there will come a point when fossil fuels reach a permanent decline – and you don’t want to be caught holding the bag when that happens.

Think of it this way… how would you have felt if you had passed up on Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) at the dawn of the iPod for a CD manufacturer?

Revolutions strike the S&P 500 every day. And as Marc explains in this week’s video, this one is in both candidates’ best interests – even if they have not been friendly to renewable energy in the past.

That’s why Marc is arming viewers this week with his top investments in the renewables space. This healthy mix of stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can help you cast a broad net over the sector, adding exposure where it counts.

What’s more, he’ll even show you how to get in on these picks at a discount.

Tune in to this week’s State of the Market for all the details.

Good investing,
