Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld has a hidden advantage on the market…

He’s experienced it from the inside.

As an analyst at Wall Street’s most contrarian research firm, Marc learned all of the company metrics and tricks of the trade that the “smart money” use to outearn the average investor.

But while studying for his Series 86 exam, Marc had a breakthrough

Loan Loss Previsions

He realized that one commonly used metric – watched by small-budget investors and Wall Street giants alike – fails to give shareholders an accurate picture of their stocks’ health.

In fact, it tells a misleading story…

But if you know where to look, another metric can help you cut straight to the truth.

This discovery formed the foundation of Marc’s work here at Wealthy Retirement. In fact, he uses it to assess the dividend safety of popularly requested stocks each week in Safety Net.

Marc reveals his discovery in this week’s State of the Market video update, pulling back the curtain on which metric he considers to be “the financial lifeblood of a company.”

Click here to watch his latest video and learn how you can use this unique metric to…

Be sure to also tune in to Marc’s YouTube channel next week, when he’ll put this powerful secret into practice.

Good investing,


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