In the third week of October, companies will begin reporting third quarter results. We’ll find out which companies are set to soar and which are poised for a crash.

For long-term investors, earnings are always a good time to look at their stocks and analyze the companies’ performance over the last several quarters. Then, long-term investors can determine whether it makes sense to continue holding the stocks.

For shorter-term investors or traders, earnings can supercharge their returns. These reports can get the party started as stocks take off on better-than-expected results.

And this earnings season is especially critical. Between COVID-19, interest rate and analyst cuts, and the coming election, the divide between successful and unsuccessful companies will be larger than ever before.

So will the opportunities to profit…

Trick or Treat

For perspective, consider what happened last year at the end of a normal earnings season.

On December 5, 2019, retailer Express (NYSE: EXPR) popped 28% in one day after reporting surprisingly good results. It went on to climb a total of 60% higher in four days over the closing price before earnings came out.

And shortly after, Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) jumped 20% in one day after reporting better-than-expected numbers.

Trading earnings isn’t easy, but it can be very profitable if you do it correctly. Here are a few things you can do to lower your risk while trying to trade for big profits in earnings…

If you put these strategies to work, you may be able to score life-changing profits despite 2020’s challenges. Just be sure to take steps to protect yourself so you can go into the season with the best chance of making money and the least chance of losing it.

Good investing,
