Specialized startup investment platforms or portals play an indispensable role in the crowdfunding ecosystem. Every time we recommend a startup to you, we tell you which portal it’s listed on. No portal, no recommendation.

Portals also curate the startups that want to raise by rejecting those that don’t meet their standards. They identify “bad actors,” something the SEC requires them to do. They collect information and data and present the backstories of founders. They provide links to investment documents. And they encourage investors to ask the founders questions.

The better the portals are at doing their job, the more data you have to make strong and informed investment decisions.

We have a handful of portals that we like – including SeedInvest, Republic, MicroVentures, Netcapital, StartEngine and Wefunder.

And we’re hoping that a new portal, Equifund, joins that list.

If you’ve never heard of Equifund, that’s okay. It just launched. And in fact, we recently recommended that our First Stage Investor members invest in the very first company to raise funds on its site.

Equifund was founded by Jordan Gillissie. He’s positioned the Equifund website to be the first of a new generation of portals that raises the bar on what’s expected from these startup sites. Jordan says the Equifund portal will benefit investors and crowdfunders hugely.

To explain just what he means, Jordan has agreed to join Early Investing and KingsCrowd in a livestreamed webinar this Wednesday, April 15, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ET.

He’ll discuss…

The webinar will include a Q&A session, where you can ask Jordan anything you’d like.

If you want to learn more about this new portal and how it’s going to help you find the best startups raising money from crowdfunding, click here to register. (We’ll also send you a reminder before the webinar begins.) Don’t miss the chance to hear directly from the founder and CEO of North America’s newest and boldest startup portal.